need some help

2 Oscars are going to need a minum tank size of 75 gallons with no other tank mates. They are very agressive and should be the same size and added at the same time. Live plants will not work as they will be destroyed along with everything else in the tank.
for two full grown oscars i would reccomend a minimum of 125 gallons. you could start off with 2 oscars in a 75 because youll probably get them small but theyll need more room after a while. oscars are messy and produce alot of waste, so the bigger the tank the better. live plants wont work because theyll uproot and destroy them.
what can also happen over time is that one of the oscars will become dominant and push the other around, so watch out for that. every oscar has their own personality, some are aggressive some are very passive.
thanks peeps
but im worried now coz im getting them on friday and one is 3 n half ich long n da other is 7inch would they b okay the owner says they are fine together
Chris_JT said:
for two full grown oscars i would reccomend a minimum of 125 gallons. you could start off with 2 oscars in a 75 because youll probably get them small but theyll need more room after a while.
75 gallons is enoguh you do not need 125, although the Oscar's wouldn't mind the extra space I'm sure. :D
Technically you can sqeeze two Oscars in a 75 gallon, but it's not the best situation for them - it becomse a question of whether you want them to live or thrive.
yeah, oscars get huge, over one foot in length usually in a short period of time. they are also very "heavy bodied", meaning theyre thick. they produce alot of waste. 75 gallons would be adequate for one specimen, two would definately need 125 gallons to thrive rather than just survive. take it from someone who knows, i had two in my 150 gallon.

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