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    How Long Until Water Lilies Will Grow?

    They should pop up soon for you. Remember to feed them and start them in a shallow area. The deeper of water they are in the longer it takes.. and sometimes they wont grow. :)
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    Goldfish Eat On Java Fern?

    Well since GF are veggie eaters anythings possible.. It depends on the fish I've ha several that would eat off one plant and the others stuck their nose up to it. :lol:
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    Urgent Advice Needed For Comet In My Pond

    Could be what they call Skinny disease.. This is bacterial and needs attention..Treat with a broad spec med and also feed medicated food..The whole pond will need to be treated.
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    Funfair Goldfish...

    Yes, make sure to QT them salt them at a 3% treat for internal bacterial infections and also internal/external worms like tapeworms, flukes etc.. treat with salt and prazi.
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    Peas And Carrots

    Just remember to make sure there SALT free...Blanch well and take the skins of the peas. The carrots will be fine.
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    Funfair Goldfish...

    Poor fish..Atleast they will enjoy the pond that you can provide for them..
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    Video Of My 19 Gallon Fish Tank

    Very cute fish! Your Fantail looks full of eggs..Yes, you will need to upgrade soon. Just stay on top of the water changes and gravel vac often. You should be removing 50% water weekly or more.. :good:
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    Summer Pond Plan

    Hollow decor isn't good because Bad bacteria tends to hide within it. Nitrites can also be found in a hollow decor since nasties like fish poo can sit and rot inside. I would just get some plants maybe some Spawning mats that you can float so they can hide under.
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    Cuttle Bone In A Goldfish Tank

    Romaine contains 11.3 mg of calcium per a 1 cup serving.. I looked it up for ya :good:
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    Goldie Rescuing...

    Just remember that for single tail Goldies they need 20GPF or more.. How many fish are there?..If you have to keep them in what you have daily water changes are a must and a good filter. Don't add bacteria. Theres no point. With so many fish in a small container the bacteria wouldn't even have...
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    Cuttle Bone In A Goldfish Tank

    Well adding the bone isn't going to hurt a thing. Try small chunks that can't choke your fish. Maybe half a Cuttle-Bone.. Have you tried Veggie clips for your tank?..Snails love Lettuce.
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    Cuttle Bone In A Goldfish Tank

    You can add small amounts of cuttlebone at a time. check PH..Its a Decrease in PH that will harm fish more than the Increase.
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    Cuttle Bone In A Goldfish Tank

    yup, Will be just fine :)
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    Summer Pond Plan

    Hello!..I can help ya..Those types will work but you take a risk of them coming down fast if they pop. I had a 600 g pool pond from Wallyworld with goldies in it and my hubby flung a rock from the mower. One hit to the ring it was down!..It def can work, Just you have to keep an eye on the rings...
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    Help! In Need Of Advice Quick!

    Depends on the frog. Toads don't live in water nor do tree frogs. Bull frogs need water but can travel without water for sometime. Can you get a pic?
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    Help! In Need Of Advice Quick!

    Are you saying that your pond has new fry and your worried about the fish? I'd simply net the frogs out and relocate them. We have bullfrogs in our pond and when they get too big this is what we do. Let me know so I can help you better with your post. :)
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    My Goldies

    Thank You everyone..Your so kind. Bubble-eyes are fragile yes, But I decided to giver her a chance in the pond without any sharp objects ofcourse. She's thrived so well outside her colors have become really vibrant and she's grown so much. She's also a new mommy :rolleyes:
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    Backyard Neighbor

    They are adorable! :wub:
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    Anyone Into Bodybuilding?

    Hmmm I'd have to say you look great! :P Nothing wrong with lifestyle change! I need to get back into my routine. I like kick boxing.. very fun workout!
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    Just Me!

    LOL the "Nut house"! That's ok it's good to be nutty sometimes :D
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    New Goldfish Set Up

    single-tail GF need 20GPF or more..Double-tails need 10GPF or more the better. Goldfish are messy and most deff need filters. it's best to find a filter that will push over 2 x's what the tank gallons are. A 20 g tank would be great for 2 small double-tail GF for now. Theres really no such thing...
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    Building Pond Advice

    Aww Thanks! Pavers are used for many things such as pool decks, driveways, etc.. they are very cheap and easy to put together. As long as you know how to use a wet saw ur good..LOL They also come in many different colors..heres a pic of my wall..I will have to tear it down next yr but I will...
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    Building Pond Advice

    Brick pavers are excelent for holding down and hiding the liner. you can Mortor them together and make a wall...I currently have a paver wall around a above Oranda pond. Next yr I'm pulling it out and setting in liner. I will set pavers over and make a wall.. helps keep critters out as well.
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    Pond Fry

    Thanks Hon! I'm pretty excited. The fry are doing wonderful and I'm surprised to see them wanting to eat so early. I have set a few river stones with algae on them for nibbling pleasures. :rolleyes:
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    Just Me!

    I'm new here and still trying to figure out how to update my pic on my profile..So until I can find brains to do it heres a pic of me..LOL I fooled around with photobucket and made it look Anyways, I'm cuban and I have 3 beautiful kids.
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    Pond Fry

    Well Miki my Bubble-eye and Akio my huge red Male Oranda have spawned this spring in my pond. I saved eleven eggs and they are hatched now. Heres a pic of one of the fry clinging to the tank.. These guys have started becoming interested in their food. I have them on egg yolk mixed with...
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    Pond Fish Dying

    When Ponds wake up in the Spring it leaves Goldfish and Koi open for parasites. Can you possibly do a scrape?..Prazi and salt are wonderful things to use in the spring. Slime coat thats thick and or trailing indicates Parasites.
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    My Goldies

    Yep, sure does...I also have plant cover in the pond as well :)
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    Will This Give My Goldies Swimmbladder?

    This is why I stay away from flakes completely..Even well soaked flakes can cause problems. Gulping air on an occasion can mean they are simply pushing air out of the swim bladder directly. This is why many GF will take in the bubbles from an air-stone. The best thing to do would be put them on...
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    My Goldies

    Thank You :) She has changed so much over the winter and spring this yr..When I bought her she was all black..
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    My Goldies

    I wanted to share some pixs of my babies...These guys are super spoiled. They are on a gel food diet with blood-worms, fresh greens, and fruit. These guys live outside in a 125g pond. They have a Pond master 1200 filter that keeps the wonderful BB's going! This is Miki..She's a beautiful...
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    Hi Everybody!

    Hey everyone! :D My name is Jewels. I have 1 55g tropical guppy tank, 125g Oranda pond, and a 5,000 g Koi pond. I'm a huge fish lover :wub: