Summer Pond Plan


Dec 15, 2007
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Bingley W.Yorkshire

this summer, i would like to shift some of my bigger goldfish outside. But seeing as we are going to be living in rented accomodation. A permanent pond isn't an option.

Origionally i wanted to use a plastic koi quaranting tub. But when i found out the average price for the size i required.....

so i had a chat with someone about other options. The first thing they mentioned was an inflatable kiddies swimming pool.

I have some questions

1. How would i go about filtration? I thought a submersible water pump like this one [URL=";WATER+PUMP.htm"];WATER+PUMP.htm[/URL]

and then have the pipe running into a container of some sort filled with various media, which would then go back into the pool

2. Cycling. How would i do this?

3. How big. The pond will be for approx. 5-7 goldfish of sizes from about 4"-6" i was thinking something like this

4. When will it be warm enough to initiate this project?

So any input or advice anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot!
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Hello!..I can help ya..Those types will work but you take a risk of them coming down fast if they pop. I had a 600 g pool pond from Wallyworld with goldies in it and my hubby flung a rock from the mower. One hit to the ring it was down!..It def can work, Just you have to keep an eye on the rings of the pool. I suggest getting a pond master filter for it. They are wonderful!
thanks for the reply

i've decided to go with one of those big 12' circular ones. with only one inflatble ring at the top.

im going to stick with a submersible pump as my dad can get them real cheap.

will i need to add any decor to the pool? sonewhere for the goldies to hide?

With the 150 gallon tub I have outside I decided to try my hand at live plants. Not wanting any substrate in this thing I put plants in 16 plastic beer cups. Besides giving the fish a place to hide they have nearly doubled in size in a few weeks thanks to natural sunlight.

I also have some floating hornworth, this may be an option as well.
thanks for the reply

i've decided to go with one of those big 12' circular ones. with only one inflatble ring at the top.

im going to stick with a submersible pump as my dad can get them real cheap.

will i need to add any decor to the pool? sonewhere for the goldies to hide?


Hollow decor isn't good because Bad bacteria tends to hide within it. Nitrites can also be found in a hollow decor since nasties like fish poo can sit and rot inside. I would just get some plants maybe some Spawning mats that you can float so they can hide under.
thanks for the replies guys.

could i keep a sturgeon in this pool?

nope, as they reach sizes of between 2 and 5 metres (depending on species) I'd say your pool would be a little small
a 12' pool. they are siberian i think or they might be sterlets cant remember.

ok, any ideas hwen it will be warm enough to get going?

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