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    Monster Midas!

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    Monster Midas!

    I have'nt posted in ages, been real busy with work and stuff. I'm glad to be back. I set up my 150 again and picked up this guy a couple days ago. he's huge, i'd say 12 inches. he's got a slight case of HITH so ive medicated the tank with metronidazole, hopefully it'll patch him up...
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    Algae eater and Cichlids

    i have a common pleco in with my fish and he does fine. common plecos are armored like tanks. however, they get huge, like over a foot long. im not sure if he'd be too big for you tank ill have to look it up.
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    i dont want snails, i was just curious. i always wondered what they did to the shell, if they crushed it or not. i remeber feeding big crayfish to my oscar, and if i put my ear up to the tank i could hear him crushing the shell inside his mouth, real cool sound.
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    just a curious question about oscars. ive read that they will eat snails. ive fed my oscars everything under the sun, but never a snail. has anyone here ever fed their oscars snails????
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    oscars and goldfish

    ive always found that aggressiveness depends upon the individual fish. ive had some oscars that were complete pushovers and others that were bastards and bullied everything in the tank.
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    150 Gallon

    its all yours, only problem would be gettin it to florida, its a long way from chicago :D
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    150 Gallon

    here's the aro
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    150 Gallon

    i rearranged my tank a bit, put a black backround up and got some new fish. 5 tinfoils, a silver arowana, and a baby oscar. i know i know its overstocked and they'll need bigger tank but im plannin on gettin a huge tank soon, something between 3 and 500 gallons. enjoy and feel free to...
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    Tiger Oscar wont eat and

    YUP, i agree. anytime you change a fish's environment even if its from bad to good, its gonna take some time for it to adjust. keep up with the frequent water changes and his health will gradually improve.
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    Sizes in 6 months

    whoa those estimates seem way to high, ive raised just about all of these fish in 150 gallon and none reached those sizes in thta short period of a time. an oscar will not be 16 inches in 6 months and neither willa jag. id say like this oscar 6-8 jag 6-8 dempsey 5 convict 5 severum(takes long...
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    Mazda RX-8

    ive seen the infiniti G35 and its a beautiful car, but a bit more than i want to spend. i think they start in the low 30's. ive heard of the RX-8's flooding problems so that worries me a bit. i may just lease it, that way i dont have to deal with mechanical problems down the road. if i do a 3...
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    Alternative feeder fish

    a tuffy is type of feeder fish, its small and skinny sort of like a danio but its a coldwater fish. its either silver or a peach color. i think they're a type of minnow.
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    Alternative feeder fish

    what about tuffy feeders?
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    green terror

    what im saying is this, if he goes to the LFS and picks up a GT, throws it in the 40 gallon, its gonna be fine for a fair amount of time. i think it would be stupid to tell this kid he cant have a green terror when he could manage one for a long time without issue. he would have ample time to...
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    green terror

    i disagree, if your planning to keep just the terror, then i say go for it. A GT will be comfortable in a 40gal for quite some time. GT's grow slowly and this will allow you time to either upgrade or find a better home for him. a 12 inch green terror is rare, the largest ones ive seen max out...
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    Jaguar Cichlid

    Nice Jag, he looks like a mean bastard!!!
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    Mazda RX-8

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    Mazda RX-8

    Automatic - 200hp 6 speed - 240hp not bad for a car that weighs well under 3000 pounds. actual weight is somewhere around 2600lbs. Its also relatively inexpensive, under $30,000. also let me remind you that the engine is 1.3 liters. tiny!!
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    Mazda RX-8

    How can you compare a ford puma to a mazda rx-8??? the ford puma is a joke. they're two totally different cars inside and out, not to mention under the hood.
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    Mazda RX-8

    and one more :)
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    Mazda RX-8

    here is another pic :)
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    Mazda RX-8

    im interested in getting a Mazda RX-8. Please tell me what you think.
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    Fire Eel

    the fire eel he's selling is eating freeze dried krill. funny you mention that, he actually fed it while i was there. it came right out of the pipe and ate the krill off the surface. is 75 bucks a good price? Also are tyretrack eels easier to feed than fire eels?? thanks for the info.
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    Fire Eel

    i saw a fire eel today and wondered whats the deal with these wacky looking fish. the one i saw was about a foot long, he was a beauty. i wanna know more about these guys. what do they eat, how big do they get, environment, ect.... Also he was selling it for 75 bucks, is that a good price...
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    MoRe PiCS :) LOL! with luv

    hehe thats funny stuff!!
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    How you refill your tank

    cleaning my 150g is a breeze because i came up with a cool system...let me explain... i went out and bought a little giant pump, the one i bought costs about 80 bucks and moves 300 gallons per hour. little giant pumps are used to drain pools, cool machinery, ect... what i do is
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    parrot cichlids

    i had a blood parrot that was an absolute pain in the a$$, he chased everything, so watch out.
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    Do you think anyone could be as sad and lonely

    man that chimp is looks so human!!
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    im sorry, dont mean to be hitting on you girls all the time...but when i see something i like, i let them know. :D