Alternative feeder fish


New Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Hey guys.

I have 3 red bellied piranhas and they love live fish for food but I know goldfish aren't a healthy diet fish for them to eat. So I was wondering what other cheap tropical fish could I use to make feeders? ID sharks are known to be a food fish in Southeast Asia along with gourami's. Any other recommendations? Thanx :byebye:
maybe when they get a bit bigger i'll try newts. bu theyre too cute to see being devoured :/
Mollies or swordtails. they get to be a few inches long and breed like mad. If you have a big tank mabey you could grow some Convicts too but they would need to be in like a 500 gallon pond to churn out enought to keep 3 pirahnas full.

Also does anyone know why this is in New world Cichilids I had a beutiful reply written and It was moved while I typed but the Convicts I just mentioned were the First cichilids haveing anything to do with the subject seeing as how RBPs are charcacins and more closely related to a neon than an oscar.
gouramis and ID sharks are an okay option if you caan breed them in but egglayers w/o a strong parental instinct are a bit harder and you would need quite a bit of room to breed ID sharks and Quite a few tanks to breed Gouramis. If you really must you could try growing Giant Danios and depending opon wher you are you could dig a pond and grow paradise fish in quantities suficient enought to sustain your RBP's

Edit:Dont try Newts They may contain toxins. Try frogs mabey.
a tuffy is type of feeder fish, its small and skinny sort of like a danio but its a coldwater fish. its either silver or a peach color. i think they're a type of minnow.
sounds like a plain old minnow. Giant danios are easy to breed for egg layers and fast. but they are far more tolerant of ow oxygen levles than coldwater fish are.
what size tank do you have the RBP's in? how old are they , ect?
hi. you could go down tto a river (a clean one !!!!) and catch little fish for it. I had an oscar which would only eat live fish mostly, and if I hadn't fed it for the fifth time that day, it would eat catfood. I used to go to the river and catch cockabillies (little brown fish) and i'd go to the rock pools at the beach and catch little fishies. the oscar used to catch them and if the feeders were too long, it'd swim around for about 1/2 and hour slowly digesting the fish i guess, with it's tail hanging out of it's mouth. It sounds awful i know, but it was really quite interesting and amusing. I did like my Oscar. one day when i'm rich :D I'm gonna get a huge tank with an oscar and some other little cichlids.
Hope that helps. Everyone will probly tell you it's a bad idea. but my oscar quadrupled in size in one month and never got sick or anything. I live in New Zealand and the waters probly more clean here. I don't know, Dunno where you are.
EDIT: I just remembered, I used to feed it tadpoles too, which are in ponds by the hundreds!!!!!!!

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