green terror

hi Newfie....Oshawa in Whitby...small for the green not 2 sure as ive never owned one...but im sure theres plenty of people on here who can help ya out! :D

Welcome to the forum :p
the answer is not only no but ABSOLUTLY NOT!!!!! GTs are way too agressive to keep in a tank that size and males can and often do reach a size of 12 inches or more. for a perminate home for a GT you are looking at a tank of at least 75 gallons this not only gives them room for their size but for their agressiveness.
I think a rivulatus green terror might be ok as long as there are no other fish in the tank, for the reason it will be cramped and it will claim the tank to itself and kill off any other fish, they only reach 10"
vip I have to strongly disagree with you about the size that you state as being the max. personally I have seen many GTs ( which in this case is probably a gold suam) males can and will reach a size of over 10 inches, granted it takes forever and a day to get there as they are very slow growers but GTs aren't suited for a 40 gallon tank as a perminate placement.
i disagree, if your planning to keep just the terror, then i say go for it. A GT will be comfortable in a 40gal for quite some time. GT's grow slowly and this will allow you time to either upgrade or find a better home for him. a 12 inch green terror is rare, the largest ones ive seen max out at about 8 to 10 inches or so. even if it were to grow to a foot, it would take a substantial amount of time. 75 gallons for one green terror seems a bit excessive.
tell you what chris you come here and tell my F0 female that 75 gallons is excessive and that she should share with my mota. belive me I have tried it and it wasn't pretty with the smaller mota while more agressive got the living piss kicked out of him. but hey you are right 75 gallon tanks are a big excessive, and by no means would they take an enitre 75 gallon tank for themselves, however if you can find wher I said that only one GT had to go into a 75 gallon tank I would like to see that but there is absolutly no way in heck that a GT should ever be considered for a 40 gallon tank. if he wants to do the up grade as I am doing thats up to him, but again find me where he says that.
there lucky to hit 10" females only get to about 8" i still say its fine as long as there are no other tank mates.

If he gets a gold saum then he is in trouble all of them hit about 14".
Do you plan on upgradeing?
here is a link to an old post that I made when I was thinking of getting my GT, has some helpful info but not alot about tank size, how ever VIP since Jeff Rapps is pretty much the only person to bring in true Green Terrors, and those aren't even in yet I would be very hesitant to guess as to that it is a true rivulatus.

GT link
thanks guys for your replies.i have not got one yet just doing some research on them first.small world indeed digital run.
Now i didn't read anywhere in the thread that said he was going to get a F0 GT or a gold saum. Most LFS don't even stock these. The common GT that you buy at a normal LFS will only get to 8" max. I have one.

That said, i would recommend a 55 as the smallest tank for this fish.
what im saying is this, if he goes to the LFS and picks up a GT, throws it in the 40 gallon, its gonna be fine for a fair amount of time. i think it would be stupid to tell this kid he cant have a green terror when he could manage one for a long time without issue. he would have ample time to either upgrade or trade it in. i never see full grown GTs for sale, if i did, i would snag it in a second. Im not against giving cichlids space, hell, i have 1 oscar and 1 green severum in a 150 gallon, thats it. i started off with a 55 gallon tank, and way too many cichlids, but i upgraded. if it was'nt for my oscar i would have never upgraded.

so...i think the correct answer too his question is not "absolutely not." i would say, "sure you could, for a while, but then you'd have to upgrade eventually." :)
impur you if you had actually followed the link provided you would have found that in the US that it is impossible to get an actual green terror. but to sum it up, a gold suam and an actuall GT are two totally different fish, with the Gold Suam being sold as a GT in many lfs in the US and Canada.

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