How you refill your tank


Apr 28, 2004
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Hesperia, Ca USA
I was just wondering what you guys do when you do water changes. I have a 10 and a 55 gal, and everytime i have to add water i have to do it 2 gallons at a time and wait like 30 min. in between to declorinate which takes a lot of amquel or aquanova. Is there another way to do this? Please give me some advice.

For my ten i used ice cream pails over night with dechlorinator(1 gallon each), but when my 90 needs it's first water change i'll have, myself a python
I just have a 46, so a 10% water change for me is just 2 buckets. I just use my siphon/vacuum to get the water out and then add a little Stress Coat to each bucket as I add it in since it has a dechlorinator in it.
I use a 5G bucket. I pour the water from the bucket into a bowl that I float in the tank, so the water that is added doesn't disturb the fish and gravel.
I use Jungle labs insto chlor. a small bottle treats 3200 USG. and works instantly. So I just pur myself a 5 gallon bucket add the insto chlor and by the time I get the bucket to the tank it's free of chlorine. Then I have a small Rio 400 Sump pump with 6 feet of tubing on it. I just stick that in the bucket and pump the water back into the tank. If I'm doing large changes I've got tubs that hold 20-35 gallons and I use the sump in them to put the water back. Great investment submersible sump pump for $14.99
Sky042 said:
I use Jungle labs insto chlor. a small bottle treats 3200 USG. and works instantly. So I just pur myself a 5 gallon bucket add the insto chlor and by the time I get the bucket to the tank it's free of chlorine. Then I have a small Rio 400 Sump pump with 6 feet of tubing on it. I just stick that in the bucket and pump the water back into the tank. If I'm doing large changes I've got tubs that hold 20-35 gallons and I use the sump in them to put the water back. Great investment submersible sump pump for $14.99
Now that's a good idea :nod:
I use a 30 litre bucket for refilling my tank. I simply syphon the water over. My large tank is in a cabinet so I can balance the bucket on top.

My puffer tanks needs more frequent changes but it has a sump on the floor so other than vacing the gravel I can add the water at ground level..... very handy :D
I use a python, dechlorinator added directly to the tank after the drain, before the fill. I used to use buckets, but i'm not strong enough to carry a big 5 gallon bucket so i was lugging a 2 gallon one around and that was difficult for me. The python makes water changes so much easier.
I first fill a 80l dustbin with water (stood on top of my kitchen worktop), add all the dechlorinators, then syphon it into 2 gallon buckets and ferry these to the tank. I pour it in on top of the bogwood to save disturbing the gravel too much.

I need to know how these python things work..........................
luxum said:
I use a python, dechlorinator added directly to the tank after the drain, before the fill. I used to use buckets, but i'm not strong enough to carry a big 5 gallon bucket so i was lugging a 2 gallon one around and that was difficult for me. The python makes water changes so much easier.
well yeah i aint strong enough either, but i was thinkin on the idea of get some 5g bucket do what sky sed and pour the insto chlo. and then pour da de-chlorinated water into the 2/3 gal :) yeah i kno kinda confusing and more steps to follow , but if you at the time wont afford the python *(wich's cheap)* but also works not to get the sink water direclty to the tank without de-chlorinate it first........ wel i guess i already confused some ppl i guess, but i tried to make a point, wich im doing on my own at the time while i dont have the fishes (just startin a fishless cylce :) ) well thats what im doing while i dont have them then i would go with the python but still workin on some idea that doesnt involve the non-de-chlorinated water straight into the tank.... if i ever get the idea poppin in mah mind, ill let u kno guys.

well i better stop talkin before confusing more people.

hope that helped anyway :thumbs:
cleaning my 150g is a breeze because i came up with a cool system...let me explain... i went out and bought a little giant pump, the one i bought costs about 80 bucks and moves 300 gallons per hour. little giant pumps are used to drain pools, cool machinery, ect... what i do is drain, i put the pump in my tank and plug it in, if i want to clean the gravel i jam the face of the pump into to the gravel to suck up the crap. filling the tank is simple too. first i put a bucket in my tub, run the water and get it to the right temp, put the pump in the bucket, and run the hose back into the tank. every so often i throw some dechlor into the tank as its filling. so...i do virtually no work whatsoever. all in all it takes about an hour and a half to drain and fill, but all the while im sitting on my rump watching tv. :D

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