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  1. J

    Ro Less Waste?

    Thank for the replies, i will look into the limiters and extra membranes. I must have the most ecpensive RO water in the world!, On average i use 75litres per week and over a three month period this has equated to a approx £350 increase on my bill? I have also lived in this house for a year...
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    Ro Less Waste?

    Hi, After seeing my quarterly water bill of £539 from Yorkshire water i had decided that i can no longer continue using my RO system at my house. So i took it to a mates house that is not on a meter but this is proving a pain in the backside for logistic reasons so i have an idea! Is ir...
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    488l Mega Nano

    Hi Buddy, Just read your full journal, and i am very impressed :good: your tank is awesome. Only one thing i can't understand is how you are able to use normal treated tap water? i would love to be able to use it as my quarterly water bill is £539 due to the RO unit. Just a bit worried...
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    Jonnys Journal

    Quick update and a couplke fo questions:- My phosphates is now 0.05ppm which is pretty good according to my book, but i still have the red hair algae growing? It is quite fast growing so i am unsure if there is anything available that can eat it as fast as it grows. What i need to know is f...
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    Stef`s New Marine Tank

    Hello, I am not sure if this is true but i have heard that Tridachia Crispa which is a Sea Slug is the best thing to eat the type of algae you have, the only problem being that once the algae has gone the slug will die! its a pity that you can't rent them for a week or so :lol: I think Naso...
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    Jonnys Journal

    Finally got the water quality back to a reasonable level. Everything is 0 apart from phosphates that i have managed to get somewhere below 0.5ppm (its kind of hard to seperate the colors on the test scale below 0.5ppm) calcium is 450 and ph 8.2. I am not going to start transfering any of my...
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    Does Live Rock Die?

    Just bought some purple up before i have read your post, it says on the bottle that it can take up to several months before any coralline is seen to grow? this seems to be a very expensive and long winded affair. I think i will use this bottle up and then just keep all parameters in check as you...
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    Silversun Metal Halides

    The silver soon i am looking at is up for £165 its got 2x150W halides and two T5's with i think a couple of spots and is 4ft long. My tank is a 5ft 400 litre rio what do you think i should do? would 150W be ok or do i need 250W?
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    How Much?

    I think you may need a paper round as well :lol: how long have you been keeping marines for?
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    Does Live Rock Die?

    Phospates are now testing at 0.4ppm, what should my next step be, shall i keep the seachem in there for another four days or shall i remove the rest with water changes? Also to get the coralline growing back should i use the "purple up" stuff or is this also harmfull? feel like the chief...
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    How Much?

    Back in the day i only got £8 per week for a paper round! i might have to get one as a second job :good:
  12. J

    How Much?

    Where do i start? Tank £600 Skimmer £120 Powerheads x 5 £200 Coral Sand £50 Live Rock 90KG £800 Bulbs £100 Heater £25 The list could go on and on with bits bought and sold, also considering water changes at about £8 per week as i am on a water meter! for a year this would be £416, then there...
  13. J

    Silversun Metal Halides

    Where did you get your aqua one halide from?, i have been looking on aquarist classified there is a 4ft arcadia series 2 2x250W but its a big numb looking thing. I did have a arcadia series 4 but got a good offer and sold it to fund buying a 50" TV it was a good idea at the time but tank has...
  14. J

    Does Live Rock Die?

    Ok cheers AK, i may just have to but some cheato but only place i can find it is ebay and its pretty expensive for 75g which i can't imagine to be much? Just had a quick look at the tank, i have not had chance since getting in from work but i have noticed that the red hair algae that was...
  15. J

    Does Live Rock Die?

    Ok thanks, do you know of any makes that are free from phosphates?, to test a product would it just be a case of adding to RO saltwater and testing? I would love to be able to grow cheato and other types of algae but i dont have a sump, one thing i did think of is putting some in the rio 400...
  16. J

    Silversun Metal Halides

    Does anyone know it Silversun metal halides are any good? thinking of buying one but just a bit worried about spare parts as there is not much on the internet about them?
  17. J

    Does Live Rock Die?

    If i remove all the sponges and just replaced with carbon in a media bag along with the rowaphos would the flow rate going through the media not reduce as in the rio 400 the powerhead pulls down through the sponges and back out? if there were just media then the powerhead would pull more water...
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    Schuran Filter Rack

    Does anyone know anything about the Schuran Filter Racks available?, i have been told that these can be used instead of having a sump and all the equipment e.g. skimmer, calcium reactor can be kept within? My only worry is that if your tank is not built to have a sump with inlet/out let then...
  19. J

    Does Live Rock Die?

    Its the rio 400 tank with the built in filter in the corner, i removed most of the sponges when i first got the tank all thats in their is some live rubble rock a carbon sponge and a filter pad to remove any fine particals, the filter pad is changed every week and the carbon every six weeks so...
  20. J

    Does Live Rock Die?

    I am using the Seachem? phospate remover placed inbetween the filter sponges with good flow. It says to measure the levels after four days which should go down to 0.2ppm if not then keep the media in for another four days until the desired level aquired.
  21. J

    Does Live Rock Die?

    Hi Seffie, Its the ongoing problem i have from cleaning under reef rack and disturbing the sand bed which released nitrates, phospates etc which pretty much nearly killed everything. I have all the parameters back in check at 0ppm apart from phosphates which are 0.8ppm, i am doing 100 litre...
  22. J

    Does Live Rock Die?

    Just wondering if high nitrates and phosphates would also kill all the beneficial bacteria on live rock and basically turn it into just a piece of rock?
  23. J

    Jonnys Journal

    Your probally right ben, I usually disturb the sand at the front weekly but when I took all the rock out I gave under the rack a really good stir! Which inturn would not have done much good. It still doesn't explain what the problem is now though as all levels are normal yet I still can put...
  24. J

    Jonnys Journal

    Hi Seffie, thanks for the reply, when this first happened there was not dead fish in the tank but only the bristle worms dead which i think then put the nitrates up. i have a theory that there is something else in the water that killed the brissle worm and/or polluted the tank but i have...
  25. J

    Jonnys Journal

    Hi All, Have not been around for a while but have had a major problem with the tank and need some advise! A few weeks ago i noticed that my nitrates had suddenly risen from below 12.5mg to over 50mg i have no explanation for the sudden rise as the tank is not overstocked and nothing was dead...
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    Jonnys Journal

    Surprisingly i'm not far at all from the forest of bowland! I'm not far from Roughlee, i pass through the forest quite often on my way up to stocks reservoir. I will keep trying with LFS and think i might go to cascade at bury this weekend just on the off chance, if i don't find anything i...
  27. J

    Jonnys Journal

    Thanks Trod, unfortunatly i am about 300 miles from there so could really do with finding somewhere that will deliver. Have you got your lionfish yet? my Fuzzy Dwarf is doing great its loads of character and a big appetite :good:
  28. J

    Jonnys Journal

    Hello all! Its been a while but i'm back again, loads of changed in the tank since last update. My Ritteri nem is doing great, feeding well and not moved since introduced. So i have now bought another red footed ritteri which is stunning. The new Halides really do seem to be doing the trick...
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    Yellow Box Fish

    True, we don't know that it didn't release anything nor how potent the toxin is. The fish was just under 1" long when it happened but size is not everything when it comes to venoms and poisons :good: What i would say is that a smaller fish would be more likely to get stressed by tankmates or...
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    Anenome V Cleaner Shrimp

    I had two cleaner shrimps that always hung around my carpet anemone, at fisrst i thought it was some type of relationship but then worked out they knew where the meaty food was going. I think they pi**ed the carpet off one to many times though and in the end got gobbled up, the carpet has always...
  31. J

    Yellow Box Fish

    Hello, I would expect 8" to be the finished size of my boxfish as i would expect it to be at full size at around 2.5 to 3 years old. It is 1.5 years old now and is 5" long so as a guesstimate i think 8" would be about right. I am not saying that all boxfish would be this size and wouldn't be...
  32. J

    Yellow Box Fish

    I've got one around 5" long now, i bought it at around 1" long one year ago. Small boxfish are terrible swimmers but once large enough they are fine in a high flow tank as their tails are quite solid with a good fin, mine can't half motor around the tank. I would expect mine to finish growing...
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    Jonnys Journal

    Thanks for all the comments, its always good to know when you do something right :good: Ritteri Anemone seems to be doing quite well, this one is massive so i am hoping that this will make a difference long term. My first Ritteri was quite small and only lasted around 6 months and after...
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    Jonnys Journal

    Thanks mate, I always look at everyone tanks and think why can't mine look as good. Just got a Ritteri Anemone, always said I wouldn't get another after my last one but couldn't resist, it's a big one as well. Will post some pics later
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    Corals And Clams

    I have just put a Derasa Clam in my tank, as for size i think that 60cm is possible but i have never seen one. Largest i have seen is around 30cm but they are filter feeders when small and require a large tank with very strong lighting, Larger specimens are quite hardy but experience is needed...
  36. J

    Jonnys Journal

    As promised here are some pictures, Boxfish Lionfish Hammer Small Hammer Random shots
  37. J

    Jonnys Journal

    Hello!, Only just discovered these journals and i have been on here for about a year! ;) Anyway, instead of me posting randoms questions in the forums i though it would be easier to have my own journal and just bang everything i need to know into this - so here i am. This journal will...
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    Lion Fish

    I feed my Fuzzy dwarf on New Era Marine Pellets at the moment, he is like a vacuum cleaner gobbling them all up! I have three feedings per day one in the afternoon, one at 6pm both with pellets and then a final feeding at 10pm with the moon lights on of marine mix (cockle, mussel etc). Mine is...
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    Have You Seen This?

    I have deep pockets but also have short arms :lol: There is some good stuff on Ebay at the moment, i am bidding on a blue carpet Anemone which are pretty rare to see for sale. First time i have bought livestock from ebay so don't know what to expect?
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    Bubble Tip

    To be honest this is usually a sign that it is unhappy with something and will probally die. I have kept all sorts on Nems that have stayed in position for sometimes years but everytime one has moved it seems unable to settle again and usually dies. This may be through no fault of your own as...