Bubble Tip


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2008
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I have a green bubble tip anemone that has been so happy with the spot I put him on for several months. A couple days ago, he decided to crawl up the side of the tank and go right in the flow of my filter. He hasn't moved since. He seems to be doing fine, no open mouth, no shriveling except the clown fish doesn't like sleeping upside down. I dont want to try to pry him off the glass for fear of hurting him and he seems fine right where he is, although me and the clown fish don't think the same. What are your opions? I do constant water changes, I feed every week or so, and he's been fine for months until now.
If it's happy, I'd let alone. :good: If it's realy bothering you there, adjust the filter, so the flow is away from that spot and it will move itself. It may go wandering for a long while if you do that though... :/

What lighting do you have? Possibly it's unhappy with the light levels in the old spot now if the lamp(s) is/are getting older...

All the best
if hes moved inot more flow then maybe its about time you cleaned/ did some maintainance work on your powerheads?
To be honest this is usually a sign that it is unhappy with something and will probally die. I have kept all sorts on Nems that have stayed in position for sometimes years but everytime one has moved it seems unable to settle again and usually dies. This may be through no fault of your own as Anemones are pretty unpredictable and very hard to keep.
Try checking water parameters first or if another fish may have bothered it,
The bubble tips I keep are unbelievably resilient; I have one that for months was bleached, shrunk down to almost nothing (from starvation, not deflation), and constantly moving. It has since settled down, coloured up, and tripled in size.

Has anything changed recently? Perhaps a new addition? I'll second Rabbut's comment that the lights also may be getting old.
I dont think its my lights, I replaced them like 4 months ago. There T-5 VHO's. I have about 6.5 Watss per gallon. so... I did just add a Gorgonian and moved the rocks around but his stayed pretty much in the same spot.
I dont think its my lights, I replaced them like 4 months ago. There T-5 VHO's. I have about 6.5 Watss per gallon. so... I did just add a Gorgonian and moved the rocks around but his stayed pretty much in the same spot.

What balasts are you using? For some balasts, 4 month old tubes are well overdue replacement, others they will be good for another couple of months :good:

As Ben says, moving the rocks could have changed the flow near the nem and caursed it to move :nod:

All the best
I'm not sure what ballasts im using. I'll check that out. He's been doing pretty good up in the corner. Hasn't really moved much. His mouth isnt open and he's fully expanding. so... we'll see

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