Search results

  1. Gill

    Leaving Fish Without Food

    Lowering the temp to reduce metabolism won't hurt them. And 2 weeks without food will not hurt, if worried you could leave some Live food (daphnia) in a feeder for them to pick at.
  2. Gill

    Long Time No Talk

    Lol yeah will start posting again
  3. Gill

    Blue Ramshorn Snails

    Hello stranger, what do you have left
  4. Gill

    Leicestershire Anyone?

    Hello All, recognise a few oldies in this area. I am LE67 3QX Coalville Aquatics.
  5. Gill

    At Last I have an LFS

    At Last I have an LFS
  6. Gill

    Long Time No Talk

    So I have not been on here in what seems like a few years, kind of lost touch with people on here. Easily done, as have been concentrating on the planted side and researching researching researching. Was reminded last night that I should let those that remember me, That I am now the Store...
  7. Gill

    Apologies for not answering Messages, I have been in India since Early Feb and Only just got...

    Apologies for not answering Messages, I have been in India since Early Feb and Only just got Internet Service. Will be back in the Uk late April Onwards.
  8. Gill

    Pets@home Plants

    The Pets at Home Tropica Plants are great and Very Good Quality, Never had problems with them
  9. Gill

    Omg It Was Twins Its A 1Ml Lol

    Very Cool, And as for complaints :P
  10. Gill

    Omg, My Pico Had A Baby Too!

    Cooool, Those Cultures are great:good::good:
  11. Gill

    Carlovel1's Attempt At Pico Tank

    VV Good, 1st one to have a background so far. :good:
  12. Gill

    My Picos Had A Baby Its A 4Ml Lol

    This Is Getting Very Good, Love that you have used a TicTac Box.
  13. Gill

    Pic Off Comp!

    Ok will start putting some stuff together for you
  14. Gill

    Pic Off Comp!

    it will also be good to give people pointers on what to use and and where you can find some amazing holders that make Excellent Pico Tanks.
  15. Gill

    What Another Pico?

    Very Cool little ones. Like the Shot glass one the best :hyper:
  16. Gill

    What Would You Buy

    Yeah these I want, Last time Could not find any, but have a longer time time look around. I can't see wood being a prob, as always bring back carvings and carved animals.
  17. Gill

    What Would You Buy

    thanks for the info, will check. Prices are soooooo cheap compared to the Uk. Most livebearers cannot be currency converted as sooo cheap. fish food is very cheap, hikari micro pellets last time were £1 for the large 45g bag.
  18. Gill

    What Would You Buy

    So in Prep for Hols in Feb, I have been compiling a List of things to buy while In India. Last time there were only a few LFS and managed to visit 1 after alot of Searching with my Brother In Law. Looking at the Yellow pages for where I will be staying there are alot more open now. So choice...
  19. Gill

    Happy Christmas Planted People.

    Merry Christmas Everyone We are Doing Christmas Tommorrow, as Only Day everyone can be together with other Family Committments.
  20. Gill

    The "pic-Off"; Dare To Be Small...

    Cool ickle Video But the suggestions that come afterwards are questionable :lol:
  21. Gill

    Pico Band Wagon Here I Come

    love it
  22. Gill

    Trigon Island 190

    Looking Stunning, I like that type of Bogwood over the others. To me it has the richest colors and texture to it.
  23. Gill

    60Cm Triangular Layout Package

    I have that seller in my watch list, Let us know how you get on with those, as always interesting to see other sellers quality. I only ever mention Mosymo as I have been buying from them for over 5 years now, and never had any probs with the qulaity
  24. Gill

    60Cm Triangular Layout Package

    Who from, as the best Quality Moss Balls come from only 1 Seller on Ebay Mosymo >> Mosymo - Moss Balls NO as they are Plantlets and not bunches of stems. They are selling "Cuttings". You want something like this 40 LIVE PLANTS
  25. Gill

    The Reclamation

    Riccia and HC is Pearling :hyper::hyper::hyper::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:
  26. Gill

    The Reclamation

    Lo, It has been bad down your bit.
  27. Gill

    The Reclamation

    yep lovely little fish with loads of character
  28. Gill

    60Cm Triangular Layout Package

    totally ridiculous pricing. have a look at some of the sellers on ebay like last trading post, mosymo,
  29. Gill

    The Reclamation

    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Nope, It is a Gold Sunset Dwarf Honey Gourami, Very Underated fish, that can live in Cold-Trop temps
  30. Gill

    The Reclamation

  31. Gill

    Curiosity's Pico

    I really like this, and the use of Java mos is great. The wood used is also very good and gives great scale.
  32. Gill

    The "pic-Off"; Dare To Be Small...

    Ahhhh Cute, Lets gets more people doing this for January Will Be fun. :hyper:
  33. Gill

    Show Us Your Christmas Tree.....

    Going to go to Homebase in the morning, as All Trees 75-90% reduced. Want to get a Big 6 Footer :hyper:
  34. Gill

    Show Us Your Christmas Tree.....

    Here is Ours just before the dismantling began :)
  35. Gill

    The Reclamation

    ok then :rolleyes:
  36. Gill

    Can 2 Male Bettas Live In The Same Tank?

    As stated It Really depends on the temperament of the fish. And being siblings helps. With Splendens it is hit and miss. The only Bettas i have kept in mixed groups together successfully were imbellis.
  37. Gill

    The Reclamation

    Going to Seal the Top later after adding some Daphnia. Then thats it will leave it in the window and check on it from time to time.
  38. Gill

    My Day At Zoo Miami

    Lovely pix and a great day out
  39. Gill

    The Reclamation

    Thanks I have Ample patience when Scaping, so is not a problem for me. The Cherry was just in their for Photos as a Size Comparison. Inhabitants will be Daphina magna