Trigon Island 190

My current pruning kit consists of a pair of my kids paper scissors and a pair of the missus tweezers lol.
Got myself a bargain HD camcorder, unfortunately the woman in the shop sold me a class 2 memory card, i apparently need i higher class memory card. Anyways here's a vid with a low grade memory card.

Awesome Ian, gives real perspective as you zoom out too. Nice shoal of Cardinals and lovely deep red male and female Cherries in the first part of the clip. :good:
Awesome video, Ian. You really must teach me how to upload like that. That would be cool. Tank looks great. :good:

Very nice! I thought you said that hydrocotyle was a nightmare and an algae magnet? It doesn't look like it in your tank though! Did you plant them haphazard or are they spreading as I see them on the left, middle and right?

No, in my experience, hydrocotyle has not been an algae magnet, on the contrary, it is a fast-grower that really contributes a lot to the overall plant mass. About as tough as nails. It grows a lot like Marsilea. There is a rhizome-like shoot and at every node a planlet develops with a root system. Whereas Marsilea typically has about 2-5 stems per plantlet, this Hydrocotyle species will only have one stalk with a single leaf. It does spread a bit haphazardly, though. I kept mine to one corner of my scape, but I'd find shoots at the opposite end of the tank. :lol: Overall, one of my favorite plants. Also doesn't hurt that it grows in my backyard wild.

Have you had this same experience with Hydrocotyle, Ian?
Thanks Steve :good:

Lu, I have grown hydrocotle in tanks without C02 and they have struggled. With C02 it has taken off big time! I planted on the left and right, and it is spreading into the middle. I have trimmed it back once, it will get a trim at some point.

Cheers llj, it really easy if you hit reply you'll see how you do it. Like i say, it's growing like mad at the minute! :good:
Cheers Ben! Why not come over to the planted side, that'll be great! :lol:
Cheers Si, i have been paid today, so i now have a class 6 HCSD, which means clearer pics and better quality stuff. Maybe a little vid update later...sorry.
Looking Stunning, I like that type of Bogwood over the others. To me it has the richest colors and texture to it.
Thanks Gill! It's Mangrove wood, it has a whacking great hole underneath it where my shrimp are now all hiding! :lol:
The cardinals playing in the flow of the tank, they do this at the same time every night.

Awesome... Is that with the new memory card?

On a funny note, can totally hear you breathing. A bit ominous... I was scared for the tetras for a split second. :lol: I have a video of my new scape... :lol:

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