Search results

  1. john.o

    Skimmer Help Urgent!

    Thanks seffie. :good: Yep this defiantly not some think you won’t to tinker with :unsure: it needs to been done correctly or you’re going to end up with a lot of salty water on the floor :crazy: If you could get the tank drilled {most LFS will do this for you} it would defiantly be the way...
  2. john.o

    Skimmer Help Urgent!

    In short nope What you need is an over flow box like this...
  3. john.o

    Hanna Phosphate Checker

    Well after been let down by the buyer {not paying :grr: } I have decided to put this back up for sale at a reduced price of £32.50 including post :good:
  4. john.o

    Need Your Help Plz

    Thank you mattlee I have 10 x tank volumes running through my sump now with a return pump, so there for I won’t need any additional power heads right? Sorry for all the question guys I am just trying to sort out what to keep and what to sell on from my tank brake down Regards john In fact it...
  5. john.o

    Need Your Help Plz

    Ok thanks for the advice Kitty Kat :good: So I should trade the halide for T5, s and keep a hold of my Co2 reactor and RO unit for now? What about tank turn over/flow what is recommended?
  6. john.o

    Need Your Help Plz

    Hi peeps I am new to the trop side of TFF But I have been around on the salty side for quite a bit, and now I am over here looking for advice!! After suffering a second wipe out in my marine tank “££££” I have decided to break it down and go tropical planted. Now after starting off on the salty...
  7. john.o

    Time To Say Good Bye

    Thanks for the kind words there very much appreciated :good: Some of the local guys from around me have help out today by mixing up some water for me, we have changed 25 gallon today and I currently have to big skimmers in the sump pulling out the crud, and the tank has 2 large air stones in...
  8. john.o

    Time To Say Good Bye

    Thanks for the kind words biffster. :good: I believe the “bloom” was caused by my bio pellet reactor, the pump became blocked which cheto and the pellets stopped fluidising {cant of been for any more than 12 hr, s while I was at work} when I noticed it I unblocked the pipe work and there was a...
  9. john.o

    Time To Say Good Bye

    Time to say good bye :-( Well after yet another wipe out I have decided enough is enough {And so has SWMBO :flex: £££ down the drain} Two days ago I had a bacteria bloom and my tank was a white out, you could not even see the live rock it was like fog! :huh: So I changed 15 gallon of water...
  10. john.o

    Np Bio Pellets

    The slime/snot is all part of the process m8t :good: It’s basically the bacteria clinging to the DOC and as it leaves the reactor you want the out let tube as near to the skimmer volute as possible so that it can skimmed off the DOC :good:
  11. john.o

    Hanna Phosphate Checker

    Martin i just been to my LFS and they have 3 units left,I will send you a Pm
  12. john.o

    Hanna Phosphate Checker

    Martin I am really sorry m8t I did not see that there had been a reply :blush: :blush: Unfortunately this item has now been sold. sorry!!
  13. john.o

    Np Bio Pellets

    Yep like I say I truly believe the secret to getting these to work is having a well balanced tank… TLF reactor and 350ml NP bio pellets And strong over skimming... BM150 pro As for test kits I always use salifert for their reliability :good: {elso are also very good but ££ :good: }
  14. john.o

    Np Bio Pellets

    alk= 150.0 x 0.056 = 8.4 dkH ummm what test kit do you use, {my API was 9dkh and my salifert 6.4 dkh {do you buffer} I must admit I was expecting this to be low as the bacteria on the pellets consume it really fast and with the extra bacteria your skimmer should be going nuts pulling out tones...
  15. john.o

    Hanna Phosphate Checker

    Hanna checker I have a brand new Hanna phosphate checker like this one for sale.... it was bought for me by a friend as a gift for some building work I done for him as a favour and after refusing payment he went and bought this as a way of his...
  16. john.o

    Water Level In Weir

    Hi dani Yes it is quite normal for the water level to be a little lower in the weir than the main tank, so that’s nothing to worry about {unless its loud like Niagara falls :hyper: :lol: } As for the water in the sump, perhaps if you post up a pic :nod: it would much easier to advice, as...
  17. john.o


  18. john.o

    Kh Very Low Parameters

    Hah ha yep Don’t know if it was the test kit or me, perhaps it was me :blush: {a drunken hung over moment lol} Anyhow been back to bed for a few hours and I will re test later on to night just to see if it was me or the test kit :rolleyes: , then that way I will know if I need a new kit or not...
  19. john.o

    Kh Very Low Parameters

    Scrap that guys :blush: Just as I finished typing that up my m8t arrived armed with his test kits :good: , and well it looks like my kit has gone bad :grr: With his API kit my readings are 8 dKH still not as high as I would like them but a lot better than 1 dKH :rolleyes: :lol: Thank god...
  20. john.o

    Kh Very Low Parameters

    Well peeps I am having problems with my KH :crazy: My tank parameters are as follows... Temp 26 Sg 1.026 Nitrates 0.0 ---- 0.5 {running bio pellets} Phos 0.25 Calcium 500ppm :huh: KH 1 dKH :crazy: PH 7.8 :crazy: Now I do weekly water changes, use a good grade salt {red sea coral pro}...
  21. john.o

    The Macro Photography Thread

    That was one of my first shots with the camara right out of the box and it was taken free hand, :snap: and for the life of me I cannot recall the settings :dunno: {sorry},
  22. john.o

    The Macro Photography Thread

    :hyper: Grate tread and brilliant timing on the bump... :lol: Here is one of my first shots with my new canon d500 with a 18-55 IS, kit lens
  23. john.o

    Hanna Phosphate / Phosphorus Checker ?

    Yes seffie you’re correct there is a nitrite {model HI764} that’s out now!!! But Hanna are also working on Calcium, Alkalinity, Magnesium, and Nitrate checkers :good: The nitrate checker was penciled in for release this month {September} but they have been having some issues with it :/ , so...
  24. john.o

    Hanna Phosphate / Phosphorus Checker ?

    Yep as we all know D&D phos kits are considered one of the best on the market :nod: and I would defiantly put the HANNA phosphorus checker in the same brackets :good: , in fact my personal opinion is its better than the D&D kit as it takes the guess work out of it Regards john,o Ps cannot wait...
  25. john.o

    Hanna Phosphate / Phosphorus Checker ?

    Just a little update after doing some more research I decide to go for the phosphorus model {hi 716 ppb} WHY... Well the phosphate {hi 713ppm} Reads in parts per million and is only accurate to +/-0.04ppm :unsure: And we need a reading of below >0.03 so that’s just not reliable enough for the...
  26. john.o

    What Would Too Cool Water Do To Corals Etc?

    ATC 800+ :good: from flebay edit .. add Oooops posted at the same time as you... Not that much cheaper I am afraid but never the less a excellent piece of kit to add to your list for a future upgrade Regards john,o
  27. john.o

    New Ultra High Tec System

    Just some prices I found doing a quick Google search... Red sea max 250 £1249 {the web} :hyper: :crazy: Custom 36x24x24 tank cabinet and sump /open top £ 478 {AC aquatics} :good: IMO I would go with a custom tank and sump then add the equipment to suite the type of tank I was going to have...
  28. john.o

    I Was Robbed And Beaten Last Night

    BAS**** Yep a dogs defiantly the way to go... :good: I live back to back with a working men’s club and when the smoking ban came in they built a smoking shelter for the punters and that’s when our problems started :grr: . We had nothing but problems for months our shed got broken into and my...
  29. john.o

    Been In New House For Less Than 2 Months And Destroyed Floor :(

    OH Nooooooooooooo!!! :crazy: Make sure you don’t switch the RO unit back on again by accident Barney and flood the kitchen floor as well :nod: Otherwise you will have to put a claim in on the house insurance and have the whole lot replaced {utility room, kitchen and bathroom} in brand spanking...
  30. john.o

    How Much Salt Do I Add

    33.3 grams per litre. = 1.021 sg :good: {I was not that far out then}
  31. john.o

    How Much Salt Do I Add

    Hi Danny Different salt brands have different concentrates to mix to; there should be instructions in the salt bucket to tell you :P . If not as a ball-park starting point I would say around 35g per ltr, then when its fully dissolved you can test the S.g then add a little more salt or RO if...
  32. john.o

    Is Uv Essential? Or Worth The Money?

    Umm good point Morri :good: The thought of the bacteria from a reactor / zeo method never crossed my mind,
  33. john.o

    Is Uv Essential? Or Worth The Money?

    I believed that running UV 24/7 on a display tank was not a good thing as they killed good and bad bacteria :blush: , then after reading Barney,s post I decided to look a little deeper into this and .... My conclusion is that UV don’t discriminate against good or bad bacteria{they do kill...
  34. john.o

    Is Uv Essential? Or Worth The Money?

    Umm very interesting Barney :good: I must admit I have never seen it written down any ware in black and white sort a speak the UV can wipe out beneficial bacteria ect. I have just heard it word of mouth, it will be interesting to watch this tread and see what others think. :/
  35. john.o

    Is Uv Essential? Or Worth The Money?

    I would say run one 24/7 on a quarantine tank when it is in use. :good: Edit...remove possibly misleading / wrong info that will confuse sorry peeps me bad
  36. john.o

    Would This Be Ok For A Sump/ref

    I personally would recommend a minimum of a 6 inch deep sand bed, making sure you use the correct size sand grain, {this is very important if the DSB is to function properly} Also a DSB won’t work miracles over night, it takes a lot of patience and time for a DSB to fully mature, the best way...
  37. john.o

    Would This Be Ok For A Sump/ref

    Umm what depth is your DSB going to be? Just that slot looks really low down on the baffle
  38. john.o

    Would This Be Ok For A Sump/ref

    Ignore section 6 that’s my RO water chamber for auto top ups :good:
  39. john.o

    Would This Be Ok For A Sump/ref

    Ok just to add to what nemo has said... I would personally cut the down flow pipe a little shorter than what you have it, {so that you can get a filter sock on and off it, {you won’t believe how much crap these cache!} Also your refuge, are you having a dsb if so I would consider placing a...
  40. john.o

    Which Tank?

    £11 per kilo :crazy: If I where you I would take a look over on UR to see if there is anyone in your area braking a tank down. You can usually pick up L/R for around £4.50 - £5 per kilo, :good: or failing that give calico aquatics a call {Google them there on the net} they charge £9 per kilo...