Need Your Help Plz


Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
Hi peeps
I am new to the trop side of TFF
But I have been around on the salty side for quite a bit, and now I am over here looking for advice!!
After suffering a second wipe out in my marine tank “££££” I have decided to break it down and go tropical planted. Now after starting off on the salty side I have never kept a full blown tropical tank and that’s where you guys come in. I am hoping you can point me in the correct direction with equipment lighting ect.
Lighting!! Can I use my 150w halide?
Sump can I still run with a sump system so I can hide equipment
Co2 reactor do I need one
Water do I still need my RO unit
Ect ect
And links to info on how to setup a planted tank would be much appreciated john, o
The halide will be too strong unless you dose CO[sub]2[/sub], I am sure someone else can go into more detail.

Sump can be used, yes.

You probably won't need your RO unit, but don't get rid of it yet! If you live in a hardwater area and want to keep/breed delicate softwater fish, then it can come in useful.

For most beginners, the best thing to do is fishless cycle the tank, then add fish and plants. Personally, I add media from an existing set up, fish and plants all at the same time, but you probably shouldn't try this first time.
Ok thanks for the advice Kitty Kat :good:
So I should trade the halide for T5, s and keep a hold of my Co2 reactor and RO unit for now?
What about tank turn over/flow what is recommended?
Ok thanks for the advice Kitty Kat :good:
So I should trade the halide for T5, s and keep a hold of my Co2 reactor and RO unit for now?
What about tank turn over/flow what is recommended?
for a planted tank 10x turn over seems to be the right target to aim for.

i would say that you dont need the RO water anymore unless trying to breed fish like discus. most trop fish can be quite tolerant to a range of pH, just acclimatise them slowly and they will be fine. most of my fish apparently need pH on the acidic side but my tap is pH 7.6-7.8 and all my fish are very healthy :good:
Thank you mattlee
I have 10 x tank volumes running through my sump now with a return pump, so there for I won’t need any additional power heads right?
Sorry for all the question guys I am just trying to sort out what to keep and what to sell on from my tank brake down
Regards john
In fact it will probably be easier to list what I have and you peeps can say to keep or sell
Large reactor {fluidised sand}
Small reactor {fluidised phos remover}
Small reactor {carbon}
Metal halide 150w will swap for t5s
Led lights 2x 24w
3500 litres per hour return pump form sump = 10 x turn over
Auto top up
2x 3500 lts power heads
Temp controller fans/heaters
Air pumps
Co2 reactor
Dosing pumps
Protein skimmer
You are nicely over spec for a planted tank.. I would get rid of the following without even thinking about it:

Large reactor {fluidised sand}
Small reactor {fluidised phos remover}
Small reactor {carbon}
UV (can be used for freshwater)
1x 3500 lts power heads
Dosing pumps
Protein skimmer

Also for low maintenance planted set-ups, I have had good success rates with 2× flow.

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