Which Tank?


New Member
Sep 2, 2010
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Hey all!

I've looked at loads of different forums and decided on posting this here :D

First off, a little intro!

I've kept plenty of animals over the years, not least of which have been the aquatic variety! I've had cold water and tropical aquariums but have always been a little dubious about going over to the salty side (Due to the amount of work and care marine aquariums require!), but recently the pull has become too much to deny. I've recently graduated from Uni (therefore spending a lot more time at home) and start a new job on Monday so hopefully I'll be able to keep up with the costs!

My problem is that after looking at many different tanks and threads describing other peoples set ups I can't make my mind up on which aquarium to buy :-(

My goal is to have a tank between 20-35g, Live rock, Coral and Fish. I was originally looking at an Interpet River Reef (first the 48l then the 94) then started looking at other nano's and the current tank to take my fancy is the Juwel Rio 125, I think I would rather have a tank in this sort of size bracket (Although a 31 litre difference might not seem much to me I'm sure the aquariums inhabitants would beg to differ if they could!).

Then I started thinking, If I buy a Rio and replace the heater, scrap the filter box, have to replace lights and then buy powerheads I'm paying £160 for a standard glass tank :huh: Is there something I'm missing here or does that sum it up?!

My LFS does stock standard glass tanks and I wouldn't be that fussed to buy a barebones tank (although buying a tank with some stuff supplied seems like a comfy option!) and add stuff as I need it but my main worry would be lighting units, first off I'm struggling to find any standard light hoods I could affix some T5's to and looking at some other light units the prices seem a little bit mad! :lol:

Any opinions tank wise would be much appreciated! I'm looking to be buying the tank sometime next week :D

Thanks muchly in advance, Phill.

*Edit* I'm gunna post this up on other forums too, I'll be swamped with suggestions soon hopefully!
the rio 125 is a good size to start with.

adding powerheads and live rock is about all you have to do for a very siple set up. then the sky it the limit. really depends what you want to keep in it?
the rio 125 is a good size to start with.

Yep the rio 125 is a good tank and you will get t5 lighting with that - but, sounds to me like you are buying new, why? There are so many bargains out there at the moment, if you have the room consider the rio 180 :good:

Seffie x
Thanks for the replies guys! :)

I was actually looking at the 180 again last night as my LFS has it for £200 which seems a pretty standard price but I reckon it might be a tad large, have to have a proper look in the shop!

So the 125 comes with T5 lighting standard? I though it was T8 :blink: Sweet, that makes a lot more sense now, could I add more lighting to the hood if needed also or is there not much space? (was thinking a couple of the cheap LED strips just for night lighting and maybe another T5 bulb in a diff colour (daytime)) If I can I think I'm back to wanting a 125 :lol:

I'm also thinking about adding a sump to any tank I get although can't quite get my head round the mechanics of it, I would rather not drill the tank and looking for alternatives stumbled across this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Overflow-Box-Nano-(1200-lph)_W0QQitemZ120363178760QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=134418485749&rvr_id=134418485749&cguid=5dd8c35c12a0a0aad3421df2fec9ef2b Would a box like this (rated at 1200lph) allow me to transport water from the main tank to a sump without drilling? If so would It just be a case of putting a 1200lph or lower rated pump in the last section of the sump and connecting it back to the main tank via a return pipe? (I'll save the hundreds of sump questions I have for another time! :S )

Sorry for all the questions! And thanks for your help/replies! :D


*Edit* Forgot to say I'd probably settle for a few softies, couple of clowns and whatever else gets suggested!
*Edit 2!* After looking at a lot of opinions skimmer wise I would more thank likely look at adding a Deltec MCE 300 after the tank is set up, would there be a way of modifying the hood to hang it on or does it mean I would need a new hood? (assuming I set up sumpless)
Thanks again! :)
i believe there are two 125's one with T8s - slightly cheaper and then the one you would want with T5s

Edit* Forgot to say I'd probably settle for a few softies, couple of clowns and whatever else gets suggested!

perfectly do able in a stock tank, better if you get the T5s

*Edit 2!* After looking at a lot of opinions skimmer wise I would more thank likely look at adding a Deltec MCE 300 after the tank is set up, would there be a way of modifying the hood to hang it on or does it mean I would need a new hood? (assuming I set up sumpless)

yeah, you can do a pretty neat job of it too. if you are considering a sump though, they are well worth it

Thanks again!
Ah thanks Ben! Well after more research (busy busy! :D ) I've decided I'm going to drill/sump it from the start. It will be loads easier drilling it when new/empty and I'd rather spend more time getting it right first time than rushing it and end up c*cking it up!

I'm going to order this http://www.seapets.co.uk/products/aquarium-supplies/aquariums/juwel/juwel-rio-aquariums/juwel-rio-125-aquarium-and-cabinet-black.html?ref=googlebase and get my brother in law to make me a custom sump (he works in a glass shop). I'll just take whatever lights come with the tank for now and then add other lights as and when I need them (hopefully there will be some room in the hood, even if it means removing then selling the supplied unit and replacing it with my own)

I'm hoping to get this sort of bulk head :http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PVC-Bulkhead-fitting-40mm-for-marine-aquarium-or-reef_W0QQitemZ140441524843QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=134495851989&rvr_id=134495851989&cguid=5dd8c35c12a0a0aad3421df2fec9ef2b and would love to get a look like this http://www.raysreef.ca/?p=609 with just one discrete box at the top of the tank (but DIY of course!) do you think the 40mm bulkhead would give the right amount of flow for the 125 size aquarium or should I really be looking at a bigger/smaller one? I would have to source a suitable pump flow wise for the return also.

So far my shopping list is looking like this:

1 x Rio 125 + Cabinet - £214

2 x Hydor Koralia Evo 1600's - £49.90 for both

Refractometer - ? (Open to suggestions again :) )

RO water from LFS for now (probably buy a RO unit in the future )

Test Kits (again open to suggestions although looking at this from LFS: http://www.urmstonaquatics.com/index.php?app=gbu0&ns=prodshow&ref=redseamarinelab&sid=0ojea2ds0621jgh39622j8l3q4n2yx0t&portrelay=1 )

Live rock (see what happens, more than likely LFS as it is only 15-20 mins by car and would like to minimise die-off, although wouldn't mind saving a few quid if anyone can suggest good ( And cheap! :D ) online sources. LFS stocks at £11 per Kg for cured (strangely uncured is only a pound cheaper at £10 per Kg :blink: )

Digital thermometer (more than likely ebay lol)

Heater wise I think I'll stick with the one supplied for now and eventually replace with a Rena Smart 150w

Another thing I was looking at was UV sterilizers, would these be suitable for a small reef tank? or detrimental in the long run? Can't seem to get a straight answer through google.

One last question for now! Once the sump is in place, apart from my skimmer and some more live rock could I also place my heater in there? Meaning one last thing in the tank making it look more nautral? Ultimately the more crap I can hide in the cabinet the happier I'll be! :lol:

Thanks again people! Phill.
the rio 125 is a good size to start with.

Yep the rio 125 is a good tank and you will get t5 lighting with that - but, sounds to me like you are buying new, why? There are so many bargains out there at the moment, if you have the room consider the rio 180 :good:

Seffie x

Sorry Seffie, didn't realise I hadn't actually answered you! Don't know why I want it new lol, think its just a case of starting from scratch I want everything in good condition, plus any problems I can send it back! :D I did actually have a look at some second hand ones but there don't really seem to be any in my area, think I'm fixed on the 125 now, It's going next to my bed :look:

Phill :)
It's going next to my bed :look:

Hope you have ear plugs then :p

Seffie x

Haha, I'm a heavy sleeper! Plus i'm hoping to try a bit of sound proofing inside the cabinet, every little helps! I've just been trying to look up internal dimensions for the cabinet actually, trying to work out what size sump I can cram in there :D

Live rock (see what happens, more than likely LFS as it is only 15-20 mins by car and would like to minimise die-off, although wouldn't mind saving a few quid if anyone can suggest good ( And cheap! :D ) online sources. LFS stocks at £11 per Kg for cured (strangely uncured is only a pound cheaper at £10 per Kg :blink: )

Thanks again people! Phill.

£11 per kilo :crazy:
If I where you I would take a look over on UR to see if there is anyone in your area braking a tank down.
You can usually pick up L/R for around £4.50 - £5 per kilo, :good: or failing that give calico aquatics a call {Google them there on the net} they charge £9 per kilo or £ 8.50 per kilo for 20 kilos or more and free delivery on orders over 20 kilo. :good:
But yep my first port of call would defiantly be UR on the classified section
Thanks John,O I'll get on it now, would just be out of interest for the time being as I won't be getting the tank until next week. (When my sister pays me back! :lol: )

Apart from that does the rest of the list seem ok? + Salt of course, forgot to write that in the inital list :fun:

Thanks again, Phill.

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