Search results

  1. J

    How Should I Get My New Tank?

    Bearing in mind where you are physically located, I'd suggest mail order from Seapets. They'll deliver your aquarium for free, and (very, very unlikely, 'coz they're a good crowd) if you have any problems which you can't resolve by phone, they're based in Colchester, so it shouldn't be too far...
  2. J

    How Should I Get My New Tank?

    (removing duplicate post; sure I only clicked submit once!)
  3. J


    I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong... Whilst plants take up Nitrate (and some ammonia and nitrite) when they're growing, they will give up those compounds when they rot. Given you're planning to fishless cycle, it's not a bad thing for you, since it might give the process a little...
  4. J

    New Tank Ugent Help!

    One thing that I'd add is that, if you do decide to do fish-in cycling, don't use the neons for it - they are fragile fish, and better off in an established tank.
  5. J

    Roma 125

    We've got a Roma 240 and a 90, and they've both dripped down the front occasionally; I've assumed (prayed?) that it's just a drop of condensatation from the lid.
  6. J

    Hello! Newbie, First Tank, 25 Gal, 2 Tiger Barbs...

    I flew from London to NYC for a long weekend just to watch it - worth every penny as well!
  7. J

    First Go At Stocking A 90 Litre Tank

    Yep, added them all at once. Hopefully, it should be OK, as we've spent weeks on the fishless cycling thing - filter was clearing 4ppm ammonia in 12 hours.
  8. J

    First Go At Stocking A 90 Litre Tank

    Many thanks for all the advice - we ended up with 6 lemon tetras, 6 pepper catfish, and 6 glowlight tetra (LFS didn't have any purple emporer); been in the tank for all of 30 minutes.
  9. J

    First Go At Stocking A 90 Litre Tank

    Bumping - surely someone must have an opinion?? thanks
  10. J

    Nitrites And Nitrates

    Personally, I recommend them highly. I live near their shop, so go there quite frequently, but have also used their mail order service, and been impressed.
  11. J

    Nitrites And Nitrates

    About the test kit; assuming you're going to do fishless cycling, you'll definetly want to get one - you don't want to take a water sample into your LFS every day for ages for them to test (and I'm sure they'll get annoyed really quickly as well). My LFS said the same to me, until I pointed out...
  12. J

    First Go At Stocking A 90 Litre Tank

    Our 90 litre tank has finally finished cycling (started it after our 240, and it's finished before), so we're now finally looking at getting some fish, which should please our cats, who I'm sure are wondering why there are tanks of water around! The tank is quite heavily planted, and plants are...
  13. J

    Anyone Got Any Opinons On The Fluval Roma 125

    We've got a Roma 240 and 90, and are very happy with them; did a lot of research before buying, and felt they were the best available at that price point. Our 240 came with an external filter (Fluval 305, I think), which we liked, but the 90 (and relevant to you) and the 125 come with internal...
  14. J

    Fishless Cycling

    I can't offer an explanation, but can say you're not alone. I'm currently cycling two tanks, and one of them (240l, heavily planted) has shown the same as you recently - no idea why. On the plus side, as of last night, both tanks seem to have finished cycling at the same time - it's fish time!
  15. J

    New Fish Store

    An interesting page all about where Springfield is can be found at:
  16. J

    Amazing Shop!

    What'd be really good, would be if Seapets could sponsor this site, and offer members discounts...hint,hint :rolleyes:
  17. J

    Fresh Water Testing - Ideal Levels & What Kit To Use?

    waterdrop, thanks very much for that - very informative
  18. J


    The advice I was given about rocks was: put a drop of vinegar on them. If they fizz, don't put in the aquarium, if they don't they should be fine. I'm sure (and hope) someone will correct me if I'm wrong!
  19. J

    Amazing Shop!

    I've just googled their phone number, and it's come up as: Swallow Aquatics (Rayleigh) Ltd. London Road , Rayleigh, SS6 9ES We've got a Swallow Aquatics near us (Colchester), and it's great. I also highly recommend the Swallow Aquatics in East Harling.
  20. J

    Fresh Water Testing - Ideal Levels & What Kit To Use?

    Apologies for hijacking your thread. Is the large water change just for getting the nitrate level back down to a sensible level, or does it help in some other way? The reason I ask is that my 240l tank is almost cycled, but I'm finding the nitrate level is now less than my tap water, presumably...
  21. J

    Setting Up - When Do The Plants Come In ?

    Don't know a huge amount about fishless cycling (doing the same to my first tanks now), but I was told to add the plants early on, as they'll also remove ammonia and nitrites from the water, helping the process. I also found that my tank nitrate level was at 20, whereas my tap water was 40, so...
  22. J

    Quick Dechlorinator Question

    I'm currently cycling a 90l tank. 'Coz of evaporation, I need to top it up a little, guessing 6 litres or so needed, just to get the water level above the bottom of the cover. Do I need to add dechlor to cope with this? Don't want to risk killing the bacteria, 'coz it's almost ready for fish. If...
  23. J

    6 Months Ago I Had 1 Tank, Now I Have 6!

    Our first tank has even finished (fishless) cycling yet, and we've already got a second...want a small third one for a betta as well
  24. J

    Ammonium Hydroxide

    'Fraid you're right to lean towards no...the surfactant is the problem
  25. J

    When Is Green Green?

    I know exactly how you feel. I'm fishless cycling my tank at the moment, and keep having to get second opinions on what I'm seeing. (On an un-related note though - yippee, tank got to 0.5ppm (or maybe .25, couldn't really tell) this morning), so cycling seems to be finally getting somewhere).
  26. J

    Where Can I Buy Pure Ammonia In Uk?

    I bought some in my local boots store over the weekend; just called 'Household Ammonia'. 9.5% strength, it was with their cleaning products
  27. J

    Loads Of Advise Needed Please, For A Newbie

    We're hoping to buy our first tank soon, and as you can imagine, have loads of questions. When I was a kid, we had a small aquarium, which never really worked well, all the fish died, etc. This time, I want to do things properly so, my first barrage of questions (I know I'm going to have more...