New Fish Store


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
can anyone tell me if there is a good lfs around springfield il because i not really happy with the one in springfield il.
i'm in there on a regular basis and have spent a lot of money but everytime i go in there they treat me like iv'e never been in before. not one of them seems enthusiastic about what they're doing. when i ask a question they look at me like i'm stupid. i'm so glad i found you guys (and girls) because soon i will be able to look at them like their stupid. thanks for the knowledge i've gained so far and look forward to gaining more.
is that the Springfield where Homer and Marge Simpson come from?
Look for Evergreen Terrace :)
nope. They drop hints occassionally saying they are near this state or that one but I can never work it out :)
actually we came in second for the simpsons movie premiere and we do have an evergreen terrace. still looking for that fish with 3 eyes though, it would be great addition to my tank.
I have seen 3 fish eyes in some soup. Not quite the same but close :)

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