6 Months Ago I Had 1 Tank, Now I Have 6!

Our first tank has even finished (fishless) cycling yet, and we've already got a second...want a small third one for a betta as well

This is too funny

I just mentioned to my hubby how many tanks some people have and he gave me the evil eye :lol: :lol:
This is completely normal. If you have the tanks near each other, they will breed, and multiply. This happens all the time in my garage, though my wife doesn't believe a word of it.
This is completely normal. If you have the tanks near each other, they will breed, and multiply. This happens all the time in my garage, though my wife doesn't believe a word of it.

:lol: brilliant lol
even worse is that i've persuaded SOMEONE ELSE to get something they didnt want!! my sister was gonna get a coldwater setup til i talked her into going tropical!!!! :D
I have the same problem with my tanks breeding. My wife is concerned that the offspring become larger with each generation.
I had a couple of 20's, they grew to 29's, and had twin 20's, so cute! I noticed the baby 20's right after a local auction, go figure.
I am currently cycling a 96l tank and even though i dont even have fish yet i have just bought a 215l tank from ebay today .... lol
I started with a 15l tank. Now I have the following -

15l - Hospital
30l - Guppy fry tank currently
60l - Sitting in it's box ready for moving
108l - Tropical community

I may soon be getting a 270-300l depending on if I can afford to get one after moving house.

I'm a University student also and it's kinda scary that my student loan is being whittled away by fish tanks :)

dont hit me with sticks...
i keep bettas.. and breed them
and i know have 7 tanks wich also are breeding theyre breeding o fast that my fiance is forced to turn the bedroom into the fishroom! :p
dont hit me with sticks...
i keep bettas.. and breed them
and i know have 7 tanks wich also are breeding theyre breeding o fast that my fiance is forced to turn the bedroom into the fishroom! :p

everyone on this site seems obsessed with beta's :p

nice work on the fish room by the way :good:
I started out with a 5 gallon tank, and 2 fish.

I still have that tank, but I don't use it. Now, we have a closet full of empty tanks, since we keep changing stuff, and getting bigger tanks. Now, I have an office full of tanks...and 1 computer.


The 20s, 10s, and the 5 are all on a metal rack. I love that rack. :)
hi all, i am glad that i am not the only person with tanks that keep breeding lol.i have 8x 2fts tanks 2x 4ft tanks, 2x3ft tanks. and a 5ft tank which isnt set up yet and room for a another 3ft.other half goes mental,all my friends call me fishy sue (honest i dont smell fishy lol).
i had 1 tank in our office a year ago, now i have 7 + a 6ft being deliverd tomorrow from some guy off ebay that i paid£10 for with a eheim external. My hubby not best pleased says he can't use the office now as its too noisey with trickling water and says he can't concentrate (he could always move the computer desk to another room then i can fit more tanks lol)
regards Angel

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