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  1. C

    Discus Tank

    Hi DanielH, you need to watch the advice on Discus here you get alot of bad replys from people who may not even keep discus but have jumped on the band wagon from other peoples advice. I have and know lots of people who have kept all sorts of fish with different numbers of discus with no...
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    Quarantine Tank?

    Thanks, i guess i would need the quar tank water/filter to be mature as i wouldn't want to add fish to what is effectively a new set up?
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    Quarantine Tank?

    I have a few nice Discus in my tank and are doing well, i would like to add a couple more but scared to add with others. Is it best to set up a quarantine tank, how best is it to do this? Should i fill it with water that i change out of my discus tank to get qualities the same, also will it...
  4. C

    Discus Food?

    I'll give the peas a try then time next time we have some cooked.
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    Discus Food?

    Nice one i'll have a look.
  6. C

    Discus Food?

    Where to yo guys in the UK get Discusin from my local shop has stopped selling it? Also when you say shelled peas do you mean normal garden peas? Thanks Colin.
  7. C

    Strange Worm/bug In Tank

    I don't know what it is but unless you want "strange worm/bug thing" in your tank i would get it out.
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    Black Out Finished.

    I'm don't, I wish that I had taken a picture of it before but I was so p*****d off with the BGA I never thought. It covered everything in days, i would clean it all out completely then it would normally start growing back on gravel, covering rocks etc on its fast approach to the glass, once it...
  9. C

    Black Out Finished.

    Well I hope its an end to the BGA I had in one of my tanks, thanks to people on here for your help. The black out finished about two weeks ago and all is looking well at the moment (I hope I'm not typing to soon). Black out stage: Black out complete: I should have took pics pre black...
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    Moss Balls

    Sorry i don't know what you mean by turnover? If its the times the full volume of tank water is filtered (guessing here) i have no idea, i never ever given it a though. Its a rio180 tank with standard internal juwel filter and power head i also run a Eheim wet and dry external filter a 2227 i...
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    Moss Balls

    Yeah thanks i have read your algae guide a few times now, i think i have BGA :(. When i clean it out it comes back very quickly on gravel and spreads to glass, once it gets to glass its spreads all over. I used to run co2 and have heavily planted tank, but since this happened i have stopped...
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    Moss Balls

    Sorry to hijack but........i'm interested in moss balls maybe helping out with algae as i have an algae problem. Will they slow algae growth?
  13. C

    Christmas Tree Pics!

    My crimbo tree its starting to dry out already :blink: :rolleyes:
  14. C

    Advice On Setting Up Large Tropical Tank

    I think you may have posted in wrong section (pictures), admin may move post when they see it. You'll get plenty of advice when people see post, people know there stuff on here i'll let them answer. Welcome to the site.
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    Would love to see pics of that planted tank with all those cardinals
  16. C

    Phosphate Problem!

    Just seen your algae guide its helpfull, would still like to know about the imbalance though.
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    Phosphate Problem!

    Oh man an imbalance, how do i find the cause? Nothing seems to have changed all water stats are the same as usual.
  18. C

    Phosphate Problem!

    How can reduce phosphate in tank, i'm having problem with algae and think this is the cause? I use filtered tap water but you have to run tap water through so slow and it seems i still have phosphate at high levels. What you guys think?
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    Gourami Bubble Nest.

    Thought as much its a shame, anything i can do to stop that apart from another tank? Its quite well planted so the fry might be able to hide. :unsure:
  20. C

    Gourami Bubble Nest.

    I think my Gouramis are making a bubble nest, they are boyh going in and out of some floating plant roots and long grass at top of tank. They keep coming out for air and are carrying bits of algae and muck into it. They are also agressive if other fish come over. What do you think the chances...
  21. C

    Uv Filter?

    Hi i was thinking about getting a uv filter to make my tank water as clear as crystal......i believe the saying is cyrstal clear :P. What you think, any bad effects to fish, plants, water stats? Thanks guys.
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    Where To Buy A Pair Of Angels

    WOW those orange angels look great i've never seen any like that, would like one to go with my angels.
  23. C

    Clear Water?

    any down sides to fish or plants with uv filter?
  24. C

    Clear Water?

    I used to use carbon in filter to keep water looking really clear untill i was told not use carbon all the time. Is there anything that i can use to make water look crystal clear, i've heard of UV filters are these any good?
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    Tank Cleaning/rearranging?

    Thanks guys some great replies there.
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    Sick Of Bga So Having A Black Out

    Any news on your black out?
  27. C

    Tank Cleaning/rearranging?

    What do you lot think about moving stuff around, like wood/rocks/plants while the tank is full of fish and working well? My plants etc need good tidy up and normally just get on with it, i was just seeing what other people do or think about it?
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    Discus Wrigglers At Last

    wow great thread only just found it, great looking discus :good:
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    Fish On Tv

    yeah lets get in touch with bbc would be great tv
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    Light Choices.

    That sounds good i'd like a bit of colour other that just white light.
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    Light Choices.

    ok thanks i'll have a mooch
  32. C

    Light Choices.

    Who makes globes, is that there full name?
  33. C

    Light Choices.

    Its a rio180, 3 foot long. I want to keep the T8's just don't know best make/colour tubes to get to get best plant growth and colour.
  34. C

    Emm... Hi

    You may be right about a neon getting eaten. I didn't think a gold fish would eat say a lemon tetra they are about the size of a tiger barb.
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    Light Choices.

    I am thinking of changing my tubes for new ones, i have four T8's. Its a three foot tank and i am also going to get a pressurised co2 kit. Can anyone recommend four new types of tube, colour and make for best plant growth and fish colour? Thanks guys. (sorry for hijacking post, thought it...
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    Emm... Hi

    Your problem was mostly caused by the barbs i think they can be fin nippers. I think you'll be ok with other small shoaling fish like some kind of tetra.
  37. C

    Sick Of Bga So Having A Black Out

    How do you think BGA got in your tank? Hope the black out works for you, i would think the fish will be fine.
  38. C

    Frozen Food?

    I'm not sure, i think as long as it all gets eaten and you can afford to fed every day then its ok, thats what i was lead to believe. I just read in another post bloodworm can be bad for fish if fed every day? I thought its a natural food for most fish?
  39. C

    Frozen Food?

    I'm not sure but i thaw it out cos i guess frozen or cold food on fish mouths or stomachs would be bad.