Black Out Finished.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2007
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Well I hope its an end to the BGA I had in one of my tanks, thanks to people on here for your help.

The black out finished about two weeks ago and all is looking well at the moment (I hope I'm not typing to soon).

Black out stage:


Black out complete:


I should have took pics pre black out, it was a right pig that BGA it keeps growing back so quick once its in. The black out went really well no problems at all.
Aye, black outs really do work. I've done one myself. Just keep up the KNO3 dosing and improve circulation/flow to ensure it doesn't come back.
I'm don't, I wish that I had taken a picture of it before but I was so p*****d off with the BGA I never thought.

It covered everything in days, i would clean it all out completely then it would normally start growing back on gravel, covering rocks etc on its fast approach to the glass, once it got to the glass it was game over in about a day it would cover the lot.
Well done looks to have worked.
Just to be on the safe side, might be good to do a few water changes this week.

I agree, because when it rots it wil produce ammonia ad cause other algaes (or even BGA again).

At first i thought you had blacked out the windows with cardboard :lol: i had to look twice!
how long did you blackout for? im battling the stuff myself right now since a major power outage spurred the nasty stuff.. and i HATE it. tried everything except blackout (my "last resort"). will probably start it sometime this week, but want opinions on how long to keep the blackout going for to ensure it is gone!
My understanding is that all algae is present in the tank but it can be kept at a stage where it doesn't provide an algae outbreak.

Once it's "outbroken" (is that a word?!) the algae thrives off light and it's really difficult to get rid of; that's why blackouts work so well if done properly.

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