Gourami Bubble Nest.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2007
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I think my Gouramis are making a bubble nest, they are boyh going in and out of some floating plant roots and long grass at top of tank. They keep coming out for air and are carrying bits of algae and muck into it. They are also agressive if other fish come over.

What do you think the chances of this are and fish surviving in a community tank?

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They quite often build a bubblenest in a community tank however the fry often get eaten by the other fish.
Thought as much its a shame, anything i can do to stop that apart from another tank? Its quite well planted so the fry might be able to hide. :unsure:
not really. once the eggs hatch and the fry start swimming around the other fish will see them and lunch is served. The best you can try for is to keep the other fish fed really well and when the eggs hatch and the fry start moving around the tank, scoop them out and put them in another tank.

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