Phosphate Problem!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2007
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How can reduce phosphate in tank, i'm having problem with algae and think this is the cause?

I use filtered tap water but you have to run tap water through so slow and it seems i still have phosphate at high levels.

What you guys think?
Oh man an imbalance, how do i find the cause?

Nothing seems to have changed all water stats are the same as usual.
It is quite hard unles you test, but firstly look at the algae guide in my sig, then see which you have, we can then go further.
Just seen your algae guide its helpfull, would still like to know about the imbalance though.
I am not sure it will apply to your tank as much as it would to a planted tank but...

we have dose NPK, trace & CO2.
If we have a tank that has enough NPK and trace, but NO CO2 injection, then the plants cannot grow properly, they will die/ rot and produce ammonia - algae grows.
The same if we had another tank, but this time, we dont dose any NPK - again algae would grow.

So in your tank, you might have suitable levels of nutrients, but your phosphate is too high, sometimes having one element too high can stop a plant from uptaking another, i am not sure about phosphate but as an example too much potassium can stop the uptake of magnesium or calcium

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