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  1. Sunny_Cait

    Some Of My Photographs

    Thanks, guys. :) The puppy is my newest baby, Laila. She's a boxer. Her mom and dad were brought in to a friend of mine who rescues, and mama had 3 pups. This girly is mine. :)
  2. Sunny_Cait


    Amazing pictures... I am pretty speechless right now. Just... astounding.
  3. Sunny_Cait

    New Blue Rams

    They're great!!!! Beautiful!
  4. Sunny_Cait

    New Blue Rams

    Congrats! Can't wait to see pics. Rams are great!!!
  5. Sunny_Cait

    My Bp, Parley

    I don't think he minds being called Parley. Technically, that could be male or female. :)
  6. Sunny_Cait


    I have no clue on any of the colors, I just pick what looks best to me. :) Maybe someone else can help you out.
  7. Sunny_Cait

    Convict Photos

    More treats. I got some better ones of Ayaan, and the new tank layout. Still boring, but, what can you do. The pot is in there for spawning purposes.
  8. Sunny_Cait

    Some Of My Photographs

    Thanks, guys. I really love the one of the bridge, too. That is on a nature trail in Iowa, very pretty place. :)
  9. Sunny_Cait


    LOL!!! I have no clue why these fish are so nice. I've seen nicer guppies than these guys, that's for sure, but they just... there's something about them. The BP was a luck thing... Although, he is by far the handsomest BP I've ever seen, in person or otherwise (totally not trying to be rude...
  10. Sunny_Cait

    Convict Photos

    Yes, these guys aren't particularly friendly, but they are very entertaining, and my peaceful BP can hold his own with the pair. I can get a photo for you, this is how it was set up when those photos were taken. It's not very exciting. It's a bit different now, but I have to get new pics...
  11. Sunny_Cait

    Stocking Plans!

    Knock off one of your pairs (besides the kribs, those are GREAT!) and I'd go for it. :P Although, some people think overstocking cichlids keeps aggression down... Hm. But with that many different species, I'd get some more opinions on that one. I like the idea of a cichlid tank. :drool:
  12. Sunny_Cait

    Hey There!

    Thanks, guys!! :D
  13. Sunny_Cait

    Some Of My Photographs

    Hey all! I just wanted to share some photos I've taken in the past year or so. It's just a minor hobby, but I do love it. None of these are meant to be anywhere near professional. :P
  14. Sunny_Cait


    Thanks! I really enjoy watching these guys. I hope that they don't get too bad of a complex... LOL Hhehee, Gill, that it is. I tried to match the names slightly to either physical traits (blonde-ness of the first guppy) or personality traits (like the blue guppy's defeatist attitude). I think...
  15. Sunny_Cait

    My Female Betta

    Thanks, guys! Her face is what makes her endearing, I believe. And of course her personality, that is what matters most (hey it applies to fish, too! :P )
  16. Sunny_Cait

    Convict Photos

    True! LOL
  17. Sunny_Cait


    Hey guys! I decided to go ahead and turn the ten gallon into a guppy tank. I know, tame, but. So Ms. Bailey the betta was moved to her own 1.5 gallon, where she is actually much more active. So yay! Now we have 7 guppies. We have our original 3… George, Izzie, and Callie. And now we have 4...
  18. Sunny_Cait

    My Bp, Parley

    Thanks, Suicidal_AZN, for the offer, but, as Drew said, he needs to be spawning in order to see his breeding tube, and he (or, heck, even she) is never going to have that opportunity. I'd like to know for sure what gender it is, but, seeing as it looks male to me, that is what I call it, for the...
  19. Sunny_Cait

    My Diy Multi-cave

    I like! Be sure to post pictures as you are building and when it is done. :)
  20. Sunny_Cait

    Driftwood And A Rock

    Do you happen to have a picture? :)
  21. Sunny_Cait

    Stocking Plans!

    Hi. :) Your RT will get far too large and aggressive for your tank. They are neat fish though, aren't they? I also think the rainbows will get too large... Basically, I would think your plan right now has too many fish. How about... A single pearl gouramis (remember these babies get to be...
  22. Sunny_Cait

    My Bp, Parley

    Thanks. He really is my pride and joy! :)
  23. Sunny_Cait

    Jd Or Oscar?

    I love JDs myself. Oscars just rub me the wrong way... but again, personal preference! :)
  24. Sunny_Cait

    Christmas Is Coming...

    I think the oscar would be too much, I wouldn't put an O in anything less than 75 gallons, esp. with other fish. I think a JD and FM would be nice, I don't know enough about the eels to comment. What about two of either JD or FM (same sex) and one of the other? Not sure which would work best...
  25. Sunny_Cait

    Keyhole Cichlid - Photo's Now Added

    Very lovely babies you have there. :) Can't wait to see them as they grow! Nelly, yours are also very nice!!!
  26. Sunny_Cait

    Convict Photos

    Thanks! I really enjoy these two. Hopefully they will give me lovely fry later in life. :)
  27. Sunny_Cait

    My Female Betta

    Thanks. She really is good company when I have papers to write late in the evening. :)
  28. Sunny_Cait


    Hi! Love your sig. :D ;)
  29. Sunny_Cait

    Convict Photos

    Hey all! I have a really sweet pair of juvenile convicts. The male is especially photogenic. They are still young, at maybe 1.5 inches. They are very entertaining to watch! Mahad is the male, and Ayaan is the female. :)
  30. Sunny_Cait

    My Female Betta

    Hey all! I wanted to share my girl Bailey with you all. She's not a looker, but she has a decent personality. She likes to watch me when I work at my desk. Very lovely lady!
  31. Sunny_Cait

    My Bp, Parley

    Hey all! I have a blood parrot who is exeptionally personable... He is a great fishy-model. He is a rescue who was dumped off on a pal of mine who owns a small FS, and I was asked if I could take him in, as she was not really set up for taking in rescues at the time (although now she is...
  32. Sunny_Cait

    Hey There!

    Hey all! I am obviously new to the forums. I've had many aquariums, although I've only had fish experience with the most basic freshwater guys, like gouramis, bettas, guppies, and the like. I am just now getting into cichlids, with a convict pair and a bood parrot (who was a rescue). I'm only a...