Stocking Plans!


Aug 13, 2007
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These are my stock plans so far for my 29 gallon but i still want opinions and ideas about it. Ok here it is:

6 rummy nosed tetras
2 dwarf loaches
1 bristle nose pleco
1 red tailed black shark
4 german blue rams
2 dwarf gouramis
3 pearl gouramis
2 paradise fish - maybe
4 bosemans rainbow fish - maybe

Those were my plans so what do you think?
Hi. :)

Your RT will get far too large and aggressive for your tank. They are neat fish though, aren't they?

I also think the rainbows will get too large... Basically, I would think your plan right now has too many fish.

How about...

A single pearl gouramis (remember these babies get to be around 4 inches full grown)
6 Rummies
Trio of Dwarf gouramis (although sometimes it is difficult to maintain peace in a tank with more than one species of gourami, but every fish is an individual)
3-4 cories (not exactly BNP, but.. I'm trying to include some of the larger fish you wanted without sacraficing too much)
Pair of GBRs.

That could be pushing it, though, too.

Or... you could take it a *slightly* different direction and stock with...

1 Pearl gourami
4 GBRs
4-5 Zebra danios

I am obviously a minimalist... I hoped that helps, though. :) Good luck, and I can't wait to see pictures. ;)
Thanks but now i might decide to make it a small cichlid tank. I might still go with this idea but heres my other plan:

1 bristlenose pleco
Pair of german blue rams
pair of kribnesis
pair of cockatoo dwarf cichlid
and either a pair of keyhole, chessborad or another type of dwarf cichlid

I think this may be a little overstocked too though. Im hoping that my tank will be ready to stock before Christmas.
Knock off one of your pairs (besides the kribs, those are GREAT!) and I'd go for it. :p

Although, some people think overstocking cichlids keeps aggression down... Hm. But with that many different species, I'd get some more opinions on that one.

I like the idea of a cichlid tank. :drool:
if you plan on keeping a pair of kribensis, it would have to be a male/female pair, which means more often than not a breeding pair. in a tank that small, a breeding pair of kribs will wreak havoc on your other fish.

so if you want other fish, i would take the krib pair off the list. also keep in mind that cichlids, even the relatively peaceful rams and apistos, are territorial. you probably have enough room in a 29g to keep two pairs of rams/apistos maximum (a pair of each species).
Thanks for the help. I think I will keep 2 cockatoo dwarf cichlids, 1 bristlenose pleco and im a little undecided on the kribensis still. if not a pair of Kribs then a pair of one other peaceful cichlid.
6 rummy nosed tetras - fine
2 dwarf loaches - get more
1 bristle nose pleco - fine
1 red tailed black shark - don't get it
4 german blue rams - not sure maybe just get a pair?
2 dwarf gouramis - don't get
3 pearl gouramis - Get these instead, very nice
2 paradise fish - don't get
4 bosemans rainbow fish - not sure maybe.

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