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  1. C

    Sick Ferret

    I know a family down our street with 5 ferrets and as far as I know the cat food won`t be causing the problem. I would take the ferret to the vets as things can progress rapidly in ferrets (not wanting to worry you, just to guide you), nothing you have done has been wrong and you obviously care...
  2. C

    Post Your Predators Here!

    If you can be bothered to sift through between the dogs and the parrots on the pictures on this link to my photobucket you will see there are loads of fishy pics and videos on there. Including when the tank was delivered on a crane. Glad you like them...
  3. C

    Post Your Predators Here!

    Yep, it`s in the house, well, in a purpose built fishroom. It is 20ft long, 5ft front to back and 3ft tall, holds 8,500 litres and houses red tail, tsn, pair of silver arowanas and 2 nigers! Thanks for your comments!
  4. C

    South American Lungfish

    We have one in a 9ft tank, but that is not necessary. he is very placid, kept with spotted gars, longibarbis, knife fish, plecs etc he is quite a boring fish to be honest, doesn`t do much other than try to get out the tank all the time. Ours is 28" fully grown we think, and not that thick bodied...
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    Tetraodon Mbu - Help Needed - 29/03/08 - Added Pictures

    I have Pm`d you the details, any probs let me know. Clare
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    Tetraodon Mbu - Help Needed - 29/03/08 - Added Pictures

    To give you an idea, we bought our 9ft x 3.6ft x 2ft glass tank for about £700 including covers but not including the stand, which we had made of 4" box steel at a cost of £300. If you want details of people who make tanks I do know a few if you are interested. As said before, the longer you...
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    Tetraodon Mbu - Help Needed - 29/03/08 - Added Pictures

    could you get him a bigger tank in the future? These fish are well worth it. Clare
  8. C

    Tetraodon Mbu - Help Needed - 29/03/08 - Added Pictures

    Not that quickly at first, but after a year he will hit about a foot and after that grow faster. water quality is critical with puffers and they are messy, so they need massive filtration. Clare
  9. C

    Tetraodon Mbu - Help Needed - 29/03/08 - Added Pictures

    We had a mbu, grew to 2 1/2 ft and lived in a tank 9ft long 3.6ft front to back and 2ft tall, that was the minimum requirement. Your fish store is terrible advising you the way they did and should take the fish back. I know what you mean about not wanting to let it go though, they are very...
  10. C

    My New Puppy

    Beautiful dogs, great that they have the company of eachother. Clare
  11. C

    Parrot Info Wanted

    Check out this forum all the info and advice you could ever need
  12. C

    My Rottie

    She is beautiful, one of my favourite breeds of dog. Swimming is quite unsual for this breed isn`t it? Very misunderstood dogs, IMO
  13. C

    Cat Care Advice

    If the ligament is repaired then rest will be more important, but if it replaced with a false one like our dog had then they need to get mobile again. Youe vet is he best person to give the appropriate advice because he knows how he has repaired or replaced it.
  14. C

    Cat Care Advice

    My rotweiler cross german shepherd, sadly passed away now, had an cruciate operation at the age of 14!!!!!!! The vets said he was such a strong charcter they thought he could take it, although at that age most dogs would never walk again. he had the operation on the Wednesday, and stood up on...
  15. C

    Ferret Fun Time!

    so lovely that they have eachother!!
  16. C

    My Dog Zeus!

    A lovely dog, he has a face that says he`s full of fun!!
  17. C

    My Furry Kids

    Aww, lovely pictures, and that was really kind of you to put the kitten first and give it to your friend if it didn`t take to you, animals are like that aren`t they. One of our Macaws hates me and only loves karl, no matetr what i try with her she just doesn1t like me!!
  18. C

    Rats V's Ferrets - Who Wins?;PageID=23738 here is the link to a ferret rescue centre, has all the info you could need about them. My husband used to have a ferret and he said it was mischievous, naughty, loving and fun. I think the one main advantage with a ferret is that...
  19. C

    Baby Pics!

    Such cuties!!
  20. C

    Saving A Blue Jay

    It might need a splint so might be best to get it checked by a vet, also, if you plan to release it into the wild then make sure you don`t let it get too used to humans, other than that, very kind of you to bother to help it, well done!
  21. C

    Our Macaws

    Awww, he does sounds very well, he`s very cute.
  22. C

    Our Poor Fatty Isn't Doing Well :(

    I know it doesn`t help with the fact that you lost her, but going down hill fast and passing away is a blessing rather than her suffering for a long time before that. This way your memories of her are happy and that she had a good life until the very end. Like I say, doesn`t help with your grief...
  23. C

    Some Pics Of The Guys

    Great fish and love the names!!!
  24. C

    Reed/rope Fish And Senegal Bichir Compatibility?

    Yep, no problems. We find birchirs are not the devastating hunters they are said to be and `stumble amongst food` rather than hunt it down at speed. I am sure thye will be perfectly compatible
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    No More Garfish For Me!

    That`s great news!! So glad to hear it and sorry you have been feeling low. It`s fab that you have got a new tank arriving and I am sure that you will enjoy fishkeeping for many years. You obviously care a lot for your fish and whilst, as Craig said, some people may put their views across in an...
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    She is beautiful, hope she is settling in well, she looks so content on the picture and has a lovely healthy looking coat.
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    10 Pics Of My Rats

    Gorgeous, who could NOT love those gorgeous, cute little creatures, they have a fab home, and are just adorable.
  28. C

    New Kitten Poppy

    bless her, lovely toy for her!
  29. C

    Ciddy Bear Back Home

    Awww, he`s VERY cute. Glad to hear he`s recovering well.
  30. C


    Hi, That`s great that you leave food for them, that can be the difference between surviving the Winter and not. And YEs, they are noisy!!! generally they go into hibernation between October and November, depending on how the weather is, and as for how long, well, basically until Spring but...
  31. C

    No More Garfish For Me!

    Don`t give up!! Okay so you made some mistakes, we ALL have made mistakes when we started out. All you need to do is listen to the advice given, take a look at your fish store, see what they have to offer, go home, look it up on the net or ask advice about them on here. There will be plenty of...
  32. C

    Golden Retriever

    There are many retrievers at rescue centres sitting in cages for hours alone because the staff are so over loaded with unwanted dogs. If you took on a rescue particulaly then any attention and love, walking etc is going to be better than what it is used to imo.
  33. C

    Does Anyone Know What This Is?

    Hybrids are often bred for food fish, well, the larger ones are anyway and a lot are done in the Czech Rebublic. This was the case when the Red Tail was crossed with the Tiger Shovelnose to get the quality of the meat of the shovelnose with the fast growth rate and bulk of the Red Tail...
  34. C

    Does Anyone Know What This Is?

    Let us know how you get on, and remember to transport them in something they can`t bite through, they have very sharp teeth.
  35. C

    Does Anyone Know What This Is?

    Although `get rid of it`, might sounds like good advice don`t panic. The fish store might take them back seeing as they sold you a monster and didn`t tell you, it worries me that they have so many in the store! It is important not to just dump these fosh though on someone else without explaining...
  36. C

    Does Anyone Know What This Is?

    Take a look at this link It might help with identification although young gars are difficult to ID, I would tend to agree though that it might of been a mistake unless you have a large tank and some experience with predatory fish. A shot from above will...
  37. C

    Does Anyone Know What This Is?

    Definately not that in my opinion, it has to be either a spotted gar, florida gar or an alligator gar. Highly dangerous to other fish given its big teeth you need to be careful of its tank mates. feed it whitebait, prawn, cockle, mussel and you may find it is not that easy to get it eating at...
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    My Fw Tank

    Nice tank, good set up. probably the fact that there are lots of plants to break the line of sight stops the aggresion as the fish can get away from eachother.
  39. C

    My Old Doggy

    Very chilled out dog, a real cutie!