Does Anyone Know What This Is?

Although `get rid of it`, might sounds like good advice don`t panic. The fish store might take them back seeing as they sold you a monster and didn`t tell you, it worries me that they have so many in the store! It is important not to just dump these fosh though on someone else without explaining the size and temprament, I`m sure you will rehome them responsibly anyway.
It`s not going to grow over night, although they are reasonably fast growers 6ft is more an estimation of a wild gar, 4ft is more likely in the aquarium although we have seen some in a show tank in a fish store and they actually circled the staff as they were in the tank cleaning out, so you have to be wary of them and respect their size!!!!!!!!

I aggree with it being a hybrid, ive heard alot about it happening, but never really why its actually done...Any reasons? (or is it simply to mix the "better" size with the "better" looks to get whats best as is quite often the case with hybrids?)
I aggree with it being a hybrid, ive heard alot about it happening, but never really why its actually done...Any reasons? (or is it simply to mix the "better" size with the "better" looks to get whats best as is quite often the case with hybrids?)

To quote dean its the japanese fish farms messing about with the fish lol.
Although `get rid of it`, might sounds like good advice don`t panic. The fish store might take them back seeing as they sold you a monster and didn`t tell you, it worries me that they have so many in the store! It is important not to just dump these fosh though on someone else without explaining the size and temprament, I`m sure you will rehome them responsibly anyway.
It`s not going to grow over night, although they are reasonably fast growers 6ft is more an estimation of a wild gar, 4ft is more likely in the aquarium although we have seen some in a show tank in a fish store and they actually circled the staff as they were in the tank cleaning out, so you have to be wary of them and respect their size!!!!!!!!


Thanks Clare, and Mark. Infact thanks to everyone for the advise and pictures. I will be going back to the shop with the fish, and hopefully all my fingers tomorrow.

Regards to all, Don
Let us know how you get on, and remember to transport them in something they can`t bite through, they have very sharp teeth.
Hybrids are often bred for food fish, well, the larger ones are anyway and a lot are done in the Czech Rebublic. This was the case when the Red Tail was crossed with the Tiger Shovelnose to get the quality of the meat of the shovelnose with the fast growth rate and bulk of the Red Tail.
Personally I think hybrids are an abhoration, IMO.
If memory serves me the Alligator Gar is the only one where the teeth actually show outside of the mouth when its closed, all the others are housed in the mouth and not visible when the jaws are closed.
Bit of a shame it's not boulangerella maculata after all.

One last look at the gar twins before they go
Just to let you know Clare - the gars were taken back to the shop this morning, and exchanged for a credit note which I'll put towards better filtration when I can afford it, rather than mess about with species I know nothing about.

They obviously got there appetites back during the night - some of my smaller fish were either dead or mortally wounded when I got up. I could kick myself for being so stupid.

I have been working on my tank all morning, so when it settles down I'll post some pics.

I've learned a valuable lesson in the last couple of days, and I want to offer my sincere thanks to all of you that have helped.

Best regards, Don

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