Sick Ferret


Fish Herder
Apr 26, 2004
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Central Coast, NSW Australia
My boyfriend and I have two male ferrets. They are just over 2 years old (though we have only had them about 6 months). They are both desexed and we worm them every month. They have a constant supply of good quality dry cat food with a high protein content. We tried feeding them mince but they refused to eat it so a few weeks ago I bought them some cat food meat. One of the ferrets happily ate it while the other refused. And this brings me onto my problem.

A few days ago the ferret that was eating the cat meat developed a rash or irritation of some sort on the inside of his back leg. I made up a salt solution using rock salt and boiled water and we would put some of that on the leg every morning and night. The lady we bought the ferrets off also suggested putting a little bit of the worming medication on the area to stop the ferret from licking it. This has seemed to work and the irritation has pretty much healed.

About two days ago I noticed that the ferret wasn't being as active as he usually is. I also noticed that he has lost quite a bit of weight. I picked him up today and noticed his hair seems to be coming out in small clumps. He doesn't seem to be going to the toilet as much as he should but I have noticed him drinking water and he is still eating a little bit of the dry food. We have separated him from the other ferret so we can monitor him a little easier. This all seems to have happened since we fed him that cat meat.

I'm thinking of taking him to the vet but I want to know if anyone on here has any advice first.
We are both really worried about him :(
I know a family down our street with 5 ferrets and as far as I know the cat food won`t be causing the problem.
I would take the ferret to the vets as things can progress rapidly in ferrets (not wanting to worry you, just to guide you), nothing you have done has been wrong and you obviously care a lot for these animals.
best of luck, let us know the outcome.
He died today :(
We took him to the vet on Monday and we were going to take him again tomorrow to get a blood test done because the vet didn't know what was wrong with him. She said it was nothing we could have caused though.

The saddest thing is that our other ferret doesn't have his companion anymore. We are going to hunt down a suitable ferret for him as soon as possible. He can't be alone for too long. He's always had another ferret. Oh and he's in perfect health by the way.

I'm so much more upset than I thought I'd be :'(
So sorry to hear about your Ferret. Poor little thing. I hope you find a nice friend for your other ferret.

R.I.P. little boy :rip:
With ferrets they go down hill very quick. You did the best you could! I would look into a good supplyer of ferret food though, ferret depot is really good. follow this link :

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