Rats V's Ferrets - Who Wins?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2007
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Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
Hi. I've kept rats and think they make wonderful pets but have recently thought of keeping a ferret.

How do they compare to rats? Is it true that they are smellier?
Are they better in pairs or alone?
Can they be house trained so they can roam free in the house? (My rats did without many problems - I felt too guilty keeping them in a cage).

Thanks for any advice.

here is the link to a ferret rescue centre, has all the info you could need about them. My husband used to have a ferret and he said it was mischievous, naughty, loving and fun. I think the one main advantage with a ferret is that they live longer than rats.

They do smell, but I wouldn`t say they smell terrible, especially if kept indoors, and I think it`s the males which smell more and that`s only if they are not neutered.

I would love a ferret but have too many animal commitments right now.
We have 4 rats at home.....lost the 5th recently to old age who was the mum to our current rats :)
They are the most rewarding pets....very interactive.....very clever...and like little dogs.....my rat milo follows me everywhere!
Go rats!!!
Lol! I totally agree about rats being like little dogs - mine would follow me around and even shake their tails when being stroked!

Thanks very much for the link - I'll do some research.
Lol! I totally agree about rats being like little dogs - mine would follow me around and even shake their tails when being stroked!

Thanks very much for the link - I'll do some research.

As far as I've heard (not owned any) but ferrets smell more.....like alot more....but i think they can be interactive too....though i've heard more bite stories from ferrets.....i guess with all creatures.....it depends on personality.....my b/f has a rat who for the first year of her life only liked him.....and if an unknown finger ventured to the cage bars her teeth were right there......but in her old age she's mellowed out :)
I currently own 5 adult rats and 21 babies (5 of which I plan on keeping) I absolutly adore rats!! But I also have a ferret, a female named ice, and my boyfriend has 2 ferrets, 1 male and one female. All 3 of our ferrets are fixed and descented and they really don't smell at all. Though personally I enjoy the slight musky odor they give off. The ferrets are extremely playful and mischivous and soooooooooooo much fun to be around, they're hilarious with all of the crazy things they do and they weird way they sort of hop run, My female is litter box trained and has the run of the upstairs whenever I'm home. Only downfall I see is ferrets are more expensive then rats, they require a HUGE cage to stay happy, yearly vaccinations (Canine distemper and rabies), lots of toys to stay interested, litter, bedding, Food thats high in taurine (I'd recommend mixing Chicken soup for the cat lovers soul dry cat food with ferret ultimate 8 in 1) But I would definatly recommend a ferret!
Having read a bit about ferrets, they do sound even more lovely than I thought. I'm especially intrigued by the 'weasel dance'. The problem in the cage size - I think my house just wouldn't fit a decent sized ferret cage. :( Still thinking of rats, though. And moving house. :)

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