Our Macaws


Fish Fanatic
Sep 26, 2007
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Here are Matilda, Oliver and Diesel our 3 macaws, all semi rescue birds, all nutters, hope you like them

They're gorgeous. Got any more pics of them? I see the one is looking down. Love the different colours. Can they talk or do any tricks? I had a Patagonian Conure and he could say a few choice words :blush: as well as kiss, shake hands, dance and talk on command.


here`s a link to my photobucket, loads of pics and videos of them talking on here. I could talk about them all day so you`ll regreat asking about them now cos i`ll ramble!! They do all talk, we got Oliver first, he`s the greenwing, (mainly red). he was from a pet shop, he`d been wild caught and badly mistreated. he was like a statue when we got him, wouldn`t move or talk or anything. he won`t let you touch him, and we don`t force the issue, he may in time if he wants to but he is the most confident of the three now. he talks the most as you wills ee on the videos, he gives kisses, from a distance! He loves our dog, and cat. then we got Matilda, the Blue and Gold, she wasn`t exactly a rescue but she was on a dark landing in a little cage with no feathers on her neck. the people were more ignorant to her needs than abusive. Anyway, she loves my husband karl, he does anything with ehr, cuddles the lot, but me, well, I get the odd stroke well away from her beak.
Those 2 bonded but Oliver got upset when Matilda was spending time with Karl, which she wanted, so we got Diesel, he`s a Harlequin, a cross between the 2. he is Olivers partner in crime, a year younger, will step up, does bite though sometimes. he was well cared for by the friend we got him from, but before that was a trophy bird, expected to sit and look pretty.
They all take food from you, all are very individual in their own ways. They live on 2 cages and are only ever shut in if we go out, which isn`t often as we work from home. The picture is them on the play stand in the lounge which they come on to spend time with us, although Mtilda flies straight to Karl, that picture with her on the stand was a one off!!!!!

Oliver shares his time between matilda and Diesel, but Diesel and matilda don`t get along, they ignore eachother. They talk lots, but they are not noisy, they scream a warning scream at cats in the garden they don`t recognise, but mainly are just manically talking to eachother rather than being nosiy. they are destructive though, radiators, stairs etc!!! Totally our fault for putting them too near things they can chew, but space is a minimum with all our other animals so we just accept that to give them their freedom we have to replace things they wreck, not such a big deal to us.

bet you wish you never asked about them now!!!
Those vids are too cute. I didn't actually notice from the pic that the top of Olivers beak was white. He is so gorgeous.

Wow Diesel is gorgeous. His colours are so different. Looks like someone rolled Matilda and Oliver into one bird.

Great to hear they're such a treat to keep. I know how demanding parrots are, which people never seem to think about before buying them. But if you're able to spend time with them, it is very rewarding. Looks like you've both done a great job on these three.

And all those lovely toys. Our 1 Patagonian Conure would totally destroy his toys in a week. It was not because he lacked affection or interaction, because I was home most of the time and he was normally out of his cage playing with me or following me around. He just loved killing toys.

The are seriously like puppies in bird bodies.

And I've enjoyed all the pics and vids, not sorry I've asked at all.

Thankyou, I`m glad you liked them. We go to charity shops and buy toys for them, cars and things. You wouldn`t believe how many headless toys we have lying around the place!! hehe! They take them to pieces methodically, head first, then arms, then legs!! The parrot wooden toys are expensive but the acrylic ones do last. i took some videos of Diesel talking tonight, being the youngest he is just learning and a lot is mumble, but he tells himself off BEFORE he does something naughty! he says `AAA, bad boy, no`, then does the naughty thing he`s thinking of.
Sometimes it is hard because they can be very demanding and if you are having a bad day, but each one has been through so much that a lot of their bad behaviour stems from their previous owners.

Sounds like you had fun with your conure :D
I`ll try to get some more videos on there, Diesel loves to climb but is very clumsy and falls a lot, not on the floor, just loses his footing, Oliver laughs at him!!

Thanks again
Beautiful birds youve got there, I think I remember you from the Parrot society Magazine!

I've got 2 greenwings and 2 blue and golds myself.

Have you been to Pleasure Island Theme park near you and seen their performing Macaws? I work for the company that trains them and the sealions
Gorgeous birds you have there :good: , when i was a little kid i used to have a furry toy macaw and i used to stride around the house with it on my shoulder pretending to be a pirate lol, macaws have always held a special place in my heart, good job for rescueing them :good: .

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