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  1. N

    Fish Breathing Hevily Since Med Added

    Hello all, We have Pear Gouramis, Cardinals and Dutch Rams as well as a couple of Bistlenose catfish. One of our Pearls started getting a kind of fungus on it's body and we were recommended Interpet Anti-Fungus & Finrot. The reason for the fin rot was for the female bn catfish, she started...
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    White Spot I Think, Not Sure - Please Confirm.

    Oh I see. It's just that article said (and I quote). "One day, you’re faced with one of your fish, who has patches of white fuzzy stuff on him and you start thinking to yourself, ” I need some medicine quick to kill this fungus, because if it’s white and fuzzy, then it must be a fungus...
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    White Spot I Think, Not Sure - Please Confirm.

    Guys, Thank you all so much for your advice. I have bought the Pimafix as advised by the bloke at the LFS simply because he said that the Myxazin was more of a harsh treatment and because I have bn babies, he said it would be best to play it safe. I will be starting the treatment tonight...
  4. N

    White Spot I Think, Not Sure - Please Confirm.

    Hello all, Please help someone. My Pearl Gourami has marks in about 4 places on it's body (some worse than others) and they are flakey. This has been about now for a good few weeks! At first I thought it was where the fish has jumped and hit itself on the wall or something, but the marks are...
  5. N

    Male Sunset Gourami Is Dying

    Hello all, I think this will only be a quick answer. I have a Male Sunset Gourami and over the past week he has been residing closer and closer to the top of the tank. How he is constantly gasping for air, I have enough oxygen in the tank with bubble etc, the water composition is fine. I have...
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    Please Help Diagnose The Issue With My Fish

    Thank you VERY much everyone for all your help and suggestions. I will look in to it a lot more now and will drop the percentage of the weekly water change. I will invest in to getting a Hospital tank now, the reaason I haven't so far is because all has been so well since I started, but I'm...
  7. N

    Please Help. My Fish Looks Like She Is Dying

    Hello all, Can someone please spare a little time and throw some suggestions my way, I have no idea what to do. The post is HERE. Thank you very much Martin
  8. N

    Please Help Diagnose The Issue With My Fish

    Hello everyone, I have copy and pasted the information that you are after and I hope I manage to fulfil all the questions, here goes: 1. Water parameters. (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH, temp', Hardness etc) No2 - 0mg Ph (4,5 - 9,0) - 7.5 NH3/4 - 0mg No3 - under 20mg Temp - 25 degrees 2. A...
  9. N

    Please Help Me Diagnose This Disease.

    I will look it up, thank you very much. Martin
  10. N

    Please Help Me Diagnose This Disease.

    But surely that's not what killed him. All the other fish (apart from the female Gourami) are just fine. I already have a stone in there but the female Gourami is acting more and more like the one that died. Now she is at the top a lot of the time, I have turned the temperature down a little...
  11. N

    Please Help Me Diagnose This Disease.

    Thank you very much for all your help, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately the male Dutch Ram died during the night :( So sad as he had such a wonderful personality :) He will be missed terribly. I feel really bad as I think I could have acted quicker and would have saved him, but I am so...
  12. N

    Please Help Me Diagnose This Disease.

    Thank you very much. I have taken the shrimp out and put in the Protozine (12 ml) weird it went all blue, I was scared I was killing the fish! If I have this right, it says to treat on day 1,2,3 & 6. I take it day 4 & 5 is a rest day. I was thinking about putting in some Carbon when I do the...
  13. N

    Please Help Me Diagnose This Disease.

    Hello, The bottle says 'Protozine must not be used in aquaria containing ...., shrimps or when related species are present. I have two Bamboo shrimps, so stupid question. Do I have to take the shrimps out whilst the treatment is going on? What a pain, no second tank :angry: Thank you Martin
  14. N

    Need Some Help With My Drop Checker

    Jake, I find using one of those pipettes you get with testing kits makes it so much easier. Once you have the amount in the pipette just turn the drop checker upside down and squeeze the fluid in. Good luck :good: Martin
  15. N

    Anyone Speak German?

    I bought a kit like that from them and it's the dogs nuts :good:, no complaints at all. I used Babelfish for translation and got the gist of it before purchasing. Also, I started my German lessons last night funny enough :lol: Loads of fun learning it, but that has nothing to do with this...
  16. N

    What Do You Guys Think Of These?

    I reckon you'd get a good tan though :lol: Should be called Enviroheavy :)
  17. N

    Inline Co2 Reactors

    Try using this site George: That will translate from German to English quite well. Also I have both that specific reactor and the external heater you're after and they are both EXCELLENT. I think I paid about the same for the heater, so if you do pay that price...
  18. N

    It's Taking Over!

    That sounds GREAT. What did you use? I have/had loads of that hairy algae, we just decided to pull them all and start again. I would like to get some algae killer though in the cupboard just in case it comes back again, and I'm sure it will. Martin
  19. N

    Cheap Fire Extinguishers

    Superb, yes please keep us posted. I have the German Reg and it's hard getting the refills in my area. I ended up ordering another refillable 2000g bottle from the same German company over a week ago and still waiting :( Martin
  20. N

    My 450gl Planted Tank

    That is a remarkable display there wow :hyper: Like it alot. You say you're using Excel to treat the BBA, I think I have that too. What's the full name of it and is it easy to get hold of? Martin :good:
  21. N

    Sorry, Try Again With Pic Of Holes...

    I had the same onece mate, I think you have hungry snails! Feed fish less and you'll see it go after a while. Martin
  22. N

    Api Kh Test Kit

    Wow nice tops there matey, I'll look out for one. I ordered from the Germany company an external reactor, actually one that can handle up to 1000 litres :lol: I installed it on the side of the aquarium and it looks the dog's nuts, only thing is the CO2 bottle died on me that evening :( So I...
  23. N

    Api Kh Test Kit

    Yep, same as the one I have isn't it? I had issues trying to find a supplier to get the CO2 from, but until I get one I've just ordered their 2000g bottle to keep me going. Martin :good:
  24. N

    Api Kh Test Kit

    I had the same kind of situation, I was limited with just the ballast holding two Y8 tubes that came witht he tank. I found out that the T6 tubes that give out 40% more light could fit in the same socket as the T8 tubes. The only thing I had to do was get washes to stop water from getting to...
  25. N

    Api Kh Test Kit

    Indeed, it's all about the pH as well. Martin :good:
  26. N

    Api Kh Test Kit

    This is a good site: Just type in the amount of drops and you pH reading and it will give you your ppm of CO2. Martin :good:
  27. N

    Please Help With Advice On Refilling Co2 Cannisters

    Hiya, Just thougth I'd let you know the latest. I eventually got in touch with BOC in Reading. They have offered a sweet deal of, opening up an account (£10), hiring a bottle for the year (£44) and taking it to them to refill whenever empty (£8.65). So over the year it works out to pennies...
  28. N

    Jbl Or Hydor

    Do not, repeat, do not get that Hydor system...... I bought it not doing enough research and I wasted over £40. The cannister DID only last two days (I think it was because I had it on a little too high), to work out the bmp is incredible hard and not accurate. You have to install a power...
  29. N

    Please Help With Advice On Refilling Co2 Cannisters

    Great post Chris, wish I saw that a couple of months ago. I bought the Hydro Green NRG for £80, the bottle that came with it was sooooooo small. I think I had the bmp up far too high as it only lasted a couple fo days. I told the company I bought it from that it must have been faulty and they...
  30. N

    Please Help With Advice On Refilling Co2 Cannisters

    Wow, what size tank is it feeding, do you have two. I take it it's impossible for you to tell how many bpm your doing? Martin PS Thanks for showing the picture, give me a good idea.
  31. N

    Please Help With Advice On Refilling Co2 Cannisters

    Wow, the bottle I have is 500g. I saw a 750g the other day that would also fit well in the cabinet - I suppose I could also go slightly larger. Do they do a 1000g? That set up would suit me down to the ground. So Gas Merchants then eh, okay. With regards to the CO2 itself I take it I have it...
  32. N

    Please Help With Advice On Refilling Co2 Cannisters

    Hello all, I am in the Berkshire area and I am finding it so hard to find a company where I can rent or take my empty CO2 cannister to for refilling. I have just finished installing my external reactor and it looks soooo good, then the next morning when the CO2 was suppose to kick in it was...
  33. N

    Little 'guess The Price' Competition

    You're kidding, the set of lilly pipes alone would blow that guess out the water :lol: I'd say: £86 But knowing you Andy £3.50 would be closer....... Still staying with my first guess though :) Martin :good:
  34. N

    Aquaessentials (where Have The Plants Gone)

    Exactlly, hence the 'the company who supplied the plants were a pile of pants' bit. I waited over a week for the order and then when it arrived I only received 60% of the order and I wasn't too happy with a couple of the plants either. When I complained I was told that it was typical for only...
  35. N

    Aquaessentials (where Have The Plants Gone)

    The company who supplied the plants to AE were a pile of pants anyway!!!! Bad experience I had :( There are plenty more very good places. A lot of people have recently added great reviews on a few sites, have a search. Martin
  36. N

    Blatant Plug For Aqua Essentials

    Yeah, Aquatics Online ROCKS :good: I had an issue with a CO2 bottle (ended up being my fault) but they replaced it immediately by taking another bottle out of another product. I called them to see if they received my email and I spoke to a really sweet Welsh lady called Jackie that couldn't...
  37. N

    Flubenol 15

    So what part of the Clean Up do they do then? Cheers Martin :good:
  38. N

    That Co2 Kit Noisbor Bought

    I totally agree with you Andy mate. I installed those wonderful T6 tubes giving me a 40% efficiency in each one and the Kelvins shot up to 11,000. I believe it is so much better now but some of the plants that are in there are just having issues. Some leaves of the same plant are covered in the...
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    Blatant Plug For Aqua Essentials

    I have to agree with you Barney, I think Richard is great with his service. He even answers emails passed 11pm on a Sunday night :good: Didn't get off on the right foot though, I got really annoyed when I first ordered with them when they use to sell plants. I had to wait for over a week and...
  40. N

    Flubenol 15

    You guys are right I know that really. I'm usually really good with the feeding which is why I've only just got them. The missus was getting annoyed that the plants where getting distroyed you see, literary over night. Will this stop then if the numbers go down? Cheers Martin