Blatant Plug For Aqua Essentials


Fish Aficionado
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
Kent, UK
Often on forums I see people coming on to complain about shops and being in an industry that has lots of forums where people just go to complain about you when things go wrong I thought it would be nice to give Aqua Essentials a plug.

The reason being that my luminaire went bang, thanks to Richard at AE and also the great customer service at Arcadia I now have a new unit winging its way to me today and have someone coming to pick up the faulty unit next week. Thats what I call service!

On top of this Richard ALWAYS gives great customer support and is always on top of answer any questions you have.

Anyway sorry about that, had to be done, thanks AE!!
I have to agree with you Barney, I think Richard is great with his service. He even answers emails passed 11pm on a Sunday night :good:

Didn't get off on the right foot though, I got really annoyed when I first ordered with them when they use to sell plants. I had to wait for over a week and only got 60% of my order, and they weren't that good either. When I complained he said well that's what we get most of the time, it's not unusual to have 40% of your plant order missing. Obviously I wasn't happy with that one bit and removed their bookmark off my favorites.

I'm glad that 1. he got rid of the plant company he was dealing with and 2. I decided to give it another go. I think he gives a great service now.

Keep up the good work AE if you're reading :good:

I too have had good and bad with AE ive received brilliant customer service first rate all replies to emails received well within 24 hours, all the products have arrived in top condition wrapped perfectly and the price has been good too.
the only time I ever have had bad was with a light bulb which blew of its own accord at just a week old I Emailed them unimpressed I got that its just bad luck and it had been brought up with the distributor. I know it was interpets fault and not AE's but I sort of expected more, 1 week is a shocking amount of time for a light bulb that cost £14 to last.
Only problem I have with aqua essentials is its very expensive. Aquatics online is way cheaper, yes I know aqua essentials has a few things that no other shop seems to sell such as the ada equipment but thats still no excuse for charging way over the odds. Ive only ever bought a lily pipe for my filter but everything else Ive bought for my tank such as filter, lights, co2 equipment, and plant food have come from aquatics online.
Yeah, Aquatics Online ROCKS :good: I had an issue with a CO2 bottle (ended up being my fault) but they replaced it immediately by taking another bottle out of another product.

I called them to see if they received my email and I spoke to a really sweet Welsh lady called Jackie that couldn't have been more helpful.

Aquatics Online = 10/10 :good:

I love Aquaessentials and have ordered many times from them with no problems, in fact my only issue with them is that they run out of stock too easy, but hopefully with this move to larger premises that will resolve itself!

BTW I ordered a T6 light tube from them on Thursday and it arrived today - how happy am I??? :lol:
I've never had a problem with AE, but I have only ever bought Tropica PN from them. This was due to anything else I need always saying Sold Out or the price being too high.

I buy all my plants from Aquatic Magic along with any glassware.

Big UP for Aquatics Online. They dealt with my external heater problems very quickly and replaced with no qualms.
I also buy my lamps from them as AE are too expensive (and always sold out of the ones I want) and Surrey Pet Supplies didn't wrap their bulbs very well (probably hence such a cheap price)

If the prices came down at AE and once the shop gets large enough to have items in stock rather than having the 'sold out' gif next to nearly every item I require then I would use them becaus its so much easier to use one supplier.

The suppliers I use or have used are:

Aquatic Magic/Other far East ebay sellers - Plants, Glassware
Zooplus/Aquatics Online - Lighting, Filter, Heaters (Electricals)
Welders Warehouse - Disposable CO2 Cannisters
Lunapet (Aquarianversand) - CO2 Equipment
WeldUK - CO2 Equipment
P@H - Emergency Supplies
AE - TropicaPN


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