Search results

  1. johnny70

    Liquid Plant Nutrition Without Nitrogen Or Nitrite Salts

    There is nothing wrong with TPN+ it won't add NITRITES to your tank and as long as you have live plants in there then the Nitrates won't do any harm, they are great for plants.
  2. johnny70

    Tff Plant Nutrition +++

    I really can't be arsed
  3. johnny70

    Fluval 305 External Filter - Sold - Sold - Sold

    I can offer £45 inc P&P, Have you tested it?? LMK JOHNNY
  4. johnny70

    Tff Plant Nutrition +++

  5. johnny70

    A Few Pictures For You

    180ltr Juwel Rio-Community Tank South American Tank 90ltr-Apisto's Corydoras agassizii Amano Shrimp Corydoras Weitzmani Corydoras agassizii Corydoras Weitzmani Female Apisto Trifasciata Female Bristlenose Plec Male Bristlenose Plec Apple Snail C. Caudimaculatus Male A. Baenschi C...
  6. johnny70

    A Few Pictures For You

    A few pictures for a Sunday afternoon :good: Planted 35ltr Nano Male Fighter Siamese Algae Eater Trifasciata Trifasciata Male Fighter 40ltr Planted Nano Fighter Tank Planted Rio 180 Male Bristlenose Plec Male Apistogramma Baenschi JOHNNY
  7. johnny70

    Flourish Excel And Ph

    In a word no. I have very soft water with little buffering capacity so no co2 injection for me, I dose with Excel weekly and daily on my tank with no adverse effects. Seachem have a very good FAQ on the website, check that for a more indepth answer JOHNNY
  8. johnny70

    Juwerl Powerheads

    HERE. ordered one anyway, will see if it fits at worst it will need a new boot to connect. JOHNNY
  9. johnny70

    Juwerl Powerheads

    Going to be changing the 600lph powerhead from my Rio180, to a 1500lph powerhead, anyone konw if its just a straight swap or wil I need another adapter. Cheers J
  10. johnny70

    Odd Size Tank

    Thanks for the replies, I guess i put the size down wrong, its 17" length, 11"depth and 24" deep. so its very tall and narrow hence the odd size! so angels are out any thoughts on what else could go in? Cheers JOHNNY
  11. johnny70

    Odd Size Tank

    I have a weird shaped tank, 17x11x24inches aprrox 73l 16uk gal/19us gal. Would it be suitable for angels? maybe a small shoal or not? If not any sugesstions on what could go in? Thanks J
  12. johnny70

    Apistogramma Cactuoide?

    Tetra's would be fine, watch the angels, corys usually alright, BN Plec or oto's would be fine. JOHNNY
  13. johnny70

    Video With My Dwarf Cichlids!

    Nice looking fish and tank Any chance of a bit of info on your tank? size, what species plants etc. Thanks JOHNNY
  14. johnny70

    Apisto's And Corys

    Hi Doing a South American Tank, having a trio of apisto's not sure what variety yet, can corys be kept succesfully with apsito's? will be having some tetra's and some pencils as well, very heavily planted and a lot of bog wood, small rounded gravel substrate. Cheers JOHNNY
  15. johnny70

    What To Stock

    Any idea's for what to stock, come on give me some options:) JOHNNY
  16. johnny70

    Green Spotted Puffer

    so how many could figure 8 puffers could be kept in a 90ltr????? Cheers JOHNNY
  17. johnny70

    Hy-204 Power Head

    Hi I have a faulty HY-204 power head, anybody come across anywhere to buy them?? Its off a Lifespace AA601 35ltr Aquarium. Have tried the people that make the power heads and the people that sell the aquarium, both no use. Any help would be great. Thanks J
  18. johnny70

    Female Betta's

    I have 2 sisters in a 35ltr tank with a few small corys, the red female is constantly chasing the white female, no real aggression, should I add a third or would that be a bad idea. Tank is heavily planted with room for more, and plenty of hiding spaces. Could they go into my big community tank...
  19. johnny70


    Yeah thats right, if it isn't never mind, it was just a thought, I'll think about getting a bigger tank if i want to keep discus Cheers J
  20. johnny70


    That's 24"x21"x15" Cheers J
  21. johnny70


    Thats fair size, whats the best footprint for one 29gal?? I have a spare 62x52x39cm, any good??????? Cheers J
  22. johnny70


    Whats the minimum tank size for a pair of discus, breeding and non breeding. Thanks J
  23. johnny70

    What To Stock

    I thought about them, was just canvasing opinion on what else I could do with the tank Cheers J
  24. johnny70

    What To Stock

    I have a 90ltr AquaOne AR620 tank. 62x52x39cm I have very soft water, but have a ton of ocean rock if i need to buffer I already have 2 betta tanks with corys and a large community and a Galaxy Rasbora breeding tank. Suggestions please, I want Mbuna but keep being told that 30gals is to...
  25. johnny70

    Making Cave

    I made this for my community tank Just a piece of drainpipe, cleaned, a few holes cut into it, covered with slate attacted with silicone(aquarium safe). its about 3" diameter and 8" length. Left to dry for 1 week, popped in the tank. fish love it Cheers JOHNNY oh and I made a similar one...
  26. johnny70

    Tanks That Contained Rats

    when you haved bleached the tank, use a 3x solution of your normal water conditioner that will elimiante any bleach left over, personally I would reseal all internal seals, rats claws are very sharp. Cheers J
  27. johnny70

    Columbian Tetra's

    I have 10 harlequins and 6 tetra's, mollys were a rescue fish(some idiot of a m8 of a m8 was going to flush, my m8 brought them to me to save them), may be moving them to another tank, as i think one may be pregant, not sure how to tell with mollys, first time ive had them Cheers J
  28. johnny70

    Columbian Tetra's

    So there should be no real nipping between the two then? Mollys ok in with these two? Cheers J
  29. johnny70

    Columbian Tetra's

    Are Harliquin Rasbora's going to be ok with columbians? both at a juvernile stage? Cheers J
  30. johnny70

    Mbuna Tank

    That wasn't the question I asked. Cheers J
  31. johnny70

    Mbuna Tank

    His advice to me has been excellent so far I have no reason not to believe him, the LFS setupo is very ggod they have been heavily investing in the aquatics department. Cheers J
  32. johnny70

    Mbuna Tank

    well you say that, but this guy had been breeding Mbuna for 12 years, thats why I took his advice, you could say he was telling me what I wanted to hear, but I already bought the tank and buy fish for my others from there regulary Hmmmm Cheers JOHNNY
  33. johnny70

    Mbuna Tank

    Hmmm. thats not good to hear, when I was talking to the guy at the LFS, he said that a 90ltr would be fine for the small Mbuna species the ones that don't get musch bigger that 3" Oh well, any way what about the filter? Cheers J
  34. johnny70

    Mbuna Tank

    We have bought a new tank for a small Mbuna setup, its a Aquaone AR620 Spec's are 62x52x39cm, 90ltr(approx), 2z18w lamps, 750ltr/hr powerhead with trickle filter with carbon, filter wool, sponge pad and ceramic noodles. This gives us a theoretical stocking of 64cm/25" of fish and with...
  35. johnny70

    Aquaone Ar620

    Hi Bought this tank on impulse as it was cheap, It has a internal trickle filter at the back but i would like to put an external on as well, anyone done this to this tank or has any suggestions please. Thanks JOHNNY
  36. johnny70

    Community Tank Cichlids

    Since been doing some research about other fish in the community, I'm not looking at taking the temp to about 24c, and the rams seem to prefer warmer than this. Are there any other peaceful community cichlids that will be ok at that temp?. Cheers JOHNNY
  37. johnny70

    What Cory's

    Hi I'm looking at stocking some cory's for my community tank. Below are the following species that I'm thinking about, C.sterbai C.xinguensis C.duplicareus C.trilineatus C.weitzmani Could you tell me if they would be suitable for a 180 ltr, 23c, pH6.8 ammonia and nitrite 0.0 and nitrate...
  38. johnny70

    Juwel Rio 180

    Thanks for the replies, all very helpful Thanks JOHNNY
  39. johnny70

    Juwel Rio 180

    Thanks for that, I never remember to look at the light size when I get home from work. So I'm right thinking I need T8 tubes for a 36" tank. Are the lamps standard 36"size or do they differ? Are they easy to take out and repalce? Sorry for the dumb questions! Cheers JOHNNY
  40. johnny70

    Juwel Rio 180

    Thanks for the replies, what size would i be looking at ? t5, t8? Cheers JOHNNY