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  1. repunzlie


    This white dot actually sticks up off the fin, and it almost looks like mold, kinda fuzzy? And it looks like its spreading in that area also. I raised tep. to 80deg Have areation going Put some aquarium salt in (my fish book told me to do those things) Is this ich? And is there anything else...
  2. repunzlie

    Bully Fish

    waterdrop, I think I am motivated. Just not really grasping it all. I love my fish, and everything that goes along with it. It just get so frustrating when things go wrong, and then I have to buy more things. I have a huge storage box full of fish things. haha. I just need to keep reading about...
  3. repunzlie

    Bully Fish

    Yea I have been here for awhile.. all my fish died besides the mollie, shes a warrior. Im a bad fish keeper! I wish I could just hire someone to do this all for me! So sad. My problem is, i test the water, if somethings bad, all I know to do is just do a water change.
  4. repunzlie

    Bully Fish

    Yea the guy at the fish store said they dont like the strips either. I guess I can try that.. i just dont like the price I guess.
  5. repunzlie

    Bully Fish

    I tried rearanging the tank, didnt work.
  6. repunzlie

    Bully Fish

    Well the new platy is now dead, and the mollie is still alive and kicking. This is so frustrating! I went to the store to get new testing strips, the local fish store doesnt carry them. So I guess Im just going to have to one fish, cause she just wants to kill anything. :-(
  7. repunzlie

    Bully Fish

    I have a 10 gallon tank. One mollie, and one new platy. My mollie wont stop chasing the new platy! They are both female. How could I solve this? By any chance can i give a pet store my mollie? Does anyone know if pet stores do that?
  8. repunzlie

    Dwarf Hamster?

    Thank you so much guys! cute pictures!
  9. repunzlie

    3 Fish Left...

    I have 3 fishes left in my 10gal tank... The yoyo and molly are nipping at the one guppy. So I isolated the guppy in the breeders net, but now hes sad. I dont know what to do, do you think fish stores will take back fish even after 3 months of owning them?
  10. repunzlie

    Dwarf Hamster?

    Im just curiouse as to who has one, Id really like to get one. Do they costly when it comes to taking care of them?
  11. repunzlie

    3 Fish Dead In One Week

    Yea I never did see the bloated fish go to the bathroom.. so im sure he was constipapted.
  12. repunzlie

    3 Fish Dead In One Week

    2 mollys... 1 died 2 guppies....1 bloated and died.. no the scales were not sticking out, and at the time he could balance 1 african dwar frog....died...fist his he was alive but couldnt move back legs then died 1 yoyo bottom feeder.... still doing fine
  13. repunzlie

    3 Fish Dead In One Week

    Ok so 3 out of 6 of my fish died in one week. Im flipping out. I checked my water stats: tank: 10 gal temp: 74 deg, now 79 deg pH: 8 chlorine: 0 ammonia: 0.25 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 30 hardness: 100 alkali: 250 so all is well there, the only thing that i lost track of is water temp.. it got down...
  14. repunzlie

    My Water Stats

    yea it has thankyou =)
  15. repunzlie

    My Water Stats

    should I add aquarium conditioning salt to lower the nitrite? Ive already done a 25% water change
  16. repunzlie

    My Water Stats

    Its almost the second week. its been cycling for 11 days. I have two guppies in there, what should I do to fix it?!
  17. repunzlie

    My Water Stats

    pH- 7.2 clorine- 0.0 ammonia- .4 nitrite- 2.0 nitrate- 20 hardness- hard alkalinity- 120 temp- 78.8 is it looking good? or no?
  18. repunzlie


    cant see pictures
  19. repunzlie

    What Was You Last Meal

    Last thing I ate was... Tamales <3 Preperation: -go to costco -buy tamales -go home -put them in microwave -EAT! You cant go wrong with Mexican food. I love it :D
  20. repunzlie

    Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab

    Very cute :D !
  21. repunzlie

    Just Thought I'd Share This

    I love ceramics! or pottery. I really like them, good job =)
  22. repunzlie

    Hard Water

    I went to petsmart today to get my water tested. They didnt tell me how hard my water was.. but they said I need to buy some conditioning salt (Top Fin). Since have 2mollies 2 guppies 2 dwarf frogs Should I not have to worry about using the "salt"?
  23. repunzlie

    My Tank

    Thats beautiful! I love the natural looking rocks. I have fake plants too, Im new at all this, so its nice to just start off with something easy. (not that real ones are hard)
  24. repunzlie

    Post Pics Of Your Dirty Filter

    oh my goodness! Is that what its suppost to look like? mine is nothing like that and its been a week. But mine is only a 10 gallon. I havent taken any pictures of my filter though.
  25. repunzlie

    Stupid Mistake

    zoe- my fish? Well he was on the dry side, but he was trying to breath it was so sad. Hes fine now thank goodness. dthoffset- LOL! Thats so funny. :lol:
  26. repunzlie

    Filters Filters Filters...

    I have an aqua tech filter. Its only been on for a week. But when it comes to change it.. in a couple more weeks, what am I suppost to do? -_- I think I read somewhere that you leave the old one in your tank for a week when you put the new filter in?
  27. repunzlie

    Post Your Small Tanks Here

    codel, I really like those blue/green glass rocks you have! It really makes the tank look special. Good job =) Where did you get those?
  28. repunzlie

    Stupid Mistake

    I went to vacume my gravel today, so i took out the decorations.. and one of them them had my yoyo laoch in it... i thought lightly shaking it in the water would make sure there were no fish in it.. i set it on a towel when i was done. While I was vacuming I couldnt find him, so i was freaking...
  29. repunzlie

    Am I Overstocked?

    yo yo loaches get up to be 6inch.
  30. repunzlie

    My Fish And Their 10 Gal Tank.

    Thank you! I just got a new frogger today... so I have two now. I really dont see a change in the way they act, there always away from eachother. I dont have any corys at the moment, just a yoyo loach. I feed my frog half a cube of blood worms every other day... most the time the fish get most...
  31. repunzlie

    My Fish And Their 10 Gal Tank.

    Update.... more plants =) I took them with my cell phone and they turned out pretty nice =)
  32. repunzlie

    Sailfin Plec

    Yes there was a time it was on its side, but it changes hes position. He doesnt seem too skinny or bloated. What do they eat besides the alegea?
  33. repunzlie

    Sailfin Plec

    Well since I just got him yesterday, I doubt it has to do with his waste. I need to get more water testers. I think he was sick when I bought him because hes eye is infected or something. I think Im going to take him out of the tank, I dont want him infecting the other ones.
  34. repunzlie

    Sailfin Plec

    I dont know my water stats. All I know is the amonia is fine. I do know that he will get to big for my tank. The lady at the store said that once he gets too big for my tank (about 6months to a year) that i can give him back and get another small one. Right now hes 1 1/2 inc long
  35. repunzlie

    Sailfin Plec

    Now hes easly floating upside down =0. But he keeps moving sometimes. I have a 10 gal 78 deg F 2 guppies 2 mollies 2 african dwarf frogs 1 yo yo (going to return that soon) 1 plec
  36. repunzlie

    Sailfin Plec

    I tried looking up information on plecs, I couldn't find any. I just bought one yesterday. The first day he was sucking on the glass and looked fine. Today hes kinda just layig on the floor, and one his eyes looks white, like a white film. He'll swim around and lightly then land somewhere, but...
  37. repunzlie

    Is It Just Me Or Do These Tanks Multiply?

    I got my first 10 gal last week. And Im discovering all new sorts of new fish, and I want them! I can see how this hobby can get addictive. But while Im living at home, theres no way I could get away with more than one tank :no: Also, its an expensive hobby, and I dong have enough money...
  38. repunzlie

    Bottom Feeder Fish

    thats what it is! a YOYO. I remember now =). Ok well the lady at the store didnt tell me the yoyo was going to get big =/. She just told me my sucker fish would, and that Once in got too big, I can trade it in for a smaller one. I dont think I should keep the yoyo, since I cant accomodate what...
  39. repunzlie

    Bottom Feeder Fish

    thats what he looks like (on the left)... Im dont think i can get more, because i have a 10 gal tank with 7 things in it already.
  40. repunzlie

    My Fish And Their 10 Gal Tank.

    Yea for some reason, I felt like you cant have a fish tank without a treasure chest. lol. there are: 2guppies 2mollies 1frog 1cory So Are you suggesting that I get another frog, so he has a friend? I went to get my cory today, and they didnt have any frogs. Poor kermie.