Bottom Feeder Fish


New Member
Feb 19, 2007
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I think im paronoid. But I just got a new bottom feeder. What sort of behaviors do they have? I thought they were these calm dudes that just swam at the bottom of the tank. He swims around like a mad man... i just dont want him to freak out my other fish or hurt them...
Are you meaning a Cory?

I have an albino cory that swims like a little psycho for most of the day. I thought they were supposed to be calm too!
Yea it must be a cory.
Are there little "wiskers" sharp? Cause when he touches my frog, the frog sorta jumps...
What do you guys feed your corys?
If you have a cory it will look like this (the body shape, not nessassarly the color, I just choose a random cory)
If it is a cory you will need to get it a few buddies, they are social fish and should be kept in groups of 5 or 6. Make sure you get the same species though, and not a different type of cory, they need to be in groups of their same kind.

thats what he looks like (on the left)... Im dont think i can get more, because i have a 10 gal tank with 7 things in it already.
left might be a syno rather than a cory, not sure from that pic. right looks like a common plec, which will get way too big for your tank. My cories dart all over the place as well, they are quieter in the dark
Looks like a Yoyo Loach to me. Six to eight inches depending on the variety you have, they get much too large for a ten gallon I'm afraid. They also like to be kept in groups, perhaps you can trade him in for some smaller loaches or some corydoras? Difficult to tell what sort of plec you have there, it's likely common or sailfin which do get much too large. Check out species before you buy and make absolutely sure you aren't being sold something entirely different, I've been sold 12 inch + fish as dwarf varieties before. -_-

As for the behavior, that's what loaches do. :lol: Can't say I've ever seen a calm loach, they like to dance all around the tank and play in bubbles and current. They can have a tendency to stress out shy fish when they try to "make friends," but other than that, nothing to worry about.
Yep thats a Yoyo loach. I have 2 of them and they are very active. They have there own hiding spot in the dark which they spend the early mornings and nite in but during the day are very active. If its possible id get another one for him. They are still active by themselves but if they have a friend u can see how much happier they are. But depends if you have to room or not. My 2cents
thats what it is! a YOYO. I remember now =).

Ok well the lady at the store didnt tell me the yoyo was going to get big =/. She just told me my sucker fish would, and that Once in got too big, I can trade it in for a smaller one. I dont think I should keep the yoyo, since I cant accomodate what it needs (friends/biggertank). Poor guy.

Well thankyou very much for everyones help. Much appreactiated =)

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