Dwarf Hamster?


New Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Im just curiouse as to who has one, Id really like to get one.
Do they costly when it comes to taking care of them?
I had one he was 2 and a half when he died infact he will of been 3 cometo think about it which i hear is good for a dwarf

i found mine was very friendly with me (hes in my avatar) hewas a doddle to look after the inital startup can be expensive like when you buy the cage (make sure you get a critter cage not a rotary stack one they arent supposed to live in them) and the food but some times you can get sa starter kit free with the cage which is good because its quite big and lasts a while

we got a normal hamster now and shes not as friendly and very scared

i prefer dwarfs :)
I think my friend has one, i'll ask him if you like.... If it didn't die. :(
I had a couple of these years ago. They weren't great pets to be honest as they invariably bit and didn't seem to like being handled. I'd stick to a normal hamster if I were you.
my normal one bites more than the dwarf did and she hates being handled but like all pets i think it all depends on their personality

I have 2 roborovski dwarf hamsters.. They are both males and are kept together in this cage..


They are very fast and dont like to be handled much..
They cost next to nothing to be kept.. Maybe £2.00 a month on food.. My 2 love lettuce,carrot and a little cheese now and again..

Here is Hamish..


and Harry..

Currently I have to russian campbell dwarf girls living together. I have had four other RCD's aswell but they have all passed on. I found them very friendly once handled. They are costly in the beggining like any pet. For load sof information I suggest this: http://hamsterhideout.com/forum/index.php?


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