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  1. F

    Tank ready for new fish

    Hi all, Thanks for all your great responses!!! :) I think I'll go with 5 neons, 3 fancy guppies and a gourami...:) That should be a good mix I think. :D As long as the Gourami doesn't make luch out of the neons... :D FishyMe 10 Gallon 5 minnows
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    Tank ready for new fish

    My gravel is multi colored, dark blue, green and purple. FishyMe 10 Gallon 5 Minnows
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    Tank ready for new fish

    Another selection I was thinking about is: 3 fancy guppies 4 neon tetras 3 Mollies What do you think about this set-up? Would it work well? FishyMe 10 Gallon 5 Minnows
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    Tank ready for new fish

    Hi all, well next week my tank will be ready for some new fish!!! :D I'm thinking of some neons, sword tails and mollies, 3 of each in a 10 gallon. Will they do fine together? I'd rather ask here than trust the lfs!!! FishyMe 10 Gallon 5 minnows
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    Betta and Cichlids?

    Thank you for your response, I'm going to still be using the 10 Gallon tank I have. I would like to have a few Cichlids, but I'm not sure what would go well with them, because of their aggresive nature? Mollies? Or would they become breakfast? :unsure: I'd rather ask here, than the lfs, their...
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    Betta and Cichlids?

    Hi, I was just wondering if I can put a betta in with cichlids? Or will the Cichlids kill the betta? I'm starting a new tank, and don't want to go with Tetras again, but would like a nice mix of fish. Any advise? The minnows are going back either this week or next, they were just bought to help...
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    How to sterilize tank

    Hi all well good news, I changed my gravel out, medicated the water with some Maracide, and added 5 minnows. Gives the kids something to look at, and lets me know if the problem is gone. Plus the LFS wouldn't warranty any fish I put back in the tank, even though I'm medicating it... But anyways...
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    I just lost all my Tetras

    Hi all well good news, I changed my gravel out, medicated the water with some Maracide, and added 5 minnows. Gives the kids something to look at, and lets me know if the problem is gone. Plus the LFS wouldn't warranty any fish I put back in the tank, even though I'm medicating it... But anyways...
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    I just lost all my Tetras

    I don't think I will do a tetra tank next time, I'm wondering how swortails are for hardiness? And if they can be with Chiclids? I'll keep my tank going, add some ich medication for a week, cause I dont' want to lose the environment I already have started to build, and than add some more fish. I...
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    I just lost all my Tetras

    My tank was just recently moved last week, and I had about 2 gallons of the original water I moved the fish in, and the rest was new water, I added the water conditioner right away. I'm pretty sure it was ich, cause the fish looked like they had bubbles all over them. But when I took the Plecko...
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    How to sterilize tank

    hi everyone, I just lost all my fish to a bad outbreak of Ich after I moved. I didn't catch it in time.... :( My question is should I sterilize the tank and equipment, and how? or shoule I just use medications to clean up the water and add more fish? I'd like to sterilize everything and put new...
  12. F

    I just lost all my Tetras

    Ok well I just found my pleco and catfish in the tank.... :( How do I sterilize my tank and equipment before I add new fish to it? I'm totally changing the rock anyways, so that's not an issue. I just need some advice on how to clean the tank, ornaments and equipment. I've research alot, and...
  13. F

    I just lost all my Tetras

    Argh, I just lost ALL my tetras to Ich.... :wub: I moved, and the only fish that survived are my cat and pleco.... Should I treat my tank water for Ich before I add any more fish? Sad Fishyme 10 Gallon 1 Green Catfish 1 Common Pleco
  14. F

    Shoaling question

    Hi all, I have 2 beacon tetras and 3 serpae tetras, are they suppose to shoal together? Or only same type tetras will shoal? The sepaes seem to do well all together, but the beacons seem to stay off to their own corner of the tank. Fishyme 10 Gallon 3 serpae tetras 2 beacon tetras 1 green...
  15. F

    Betta's and Tetras

    I love the Betta, but I don't know if my tetras will kill it or not? I've read that their great community fish, what do you people think? Fishy Me 10 Gallon 3 serpae tetras 2 beacon tetras 1 green catfish 1 pleco
  16. F

    How many fish?

    Thank you for the advise, I'll be getting a 55 gallon soon. Just to accomidate the Pleco... :D But I'll have fun with the community for that tank.... :P FishyMe 10 Gallon Tank 3 Serpae Tetras 2 Beacon Tetras 1 common pleko 1 green catfish
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    How many fish?

    I would like to add some more fish to my aquarium, :D I'm totally hooked... :fun: I'm gonna have to get a bigger tank soon!!! :hyper: just don't know how many is too many? Plus, can swordfish go with Tetras? I would love to add 3 swordfish, and 2 or 3 more tetras if I can. Can I add more Neon...
  18. F

    I.D. my fish?

    Oops, my bad, I just compared the pics of the Serpae and the Red Phantom... Mine have the same black edge along the bottom fin... Serpae's... :o FishyMe 10 Gallon Tank 3 Serpae Tetras 2 Head and Tail light Tetras 1 common pleko 1 green catfish
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    I.D. my fish?

    Hey, I have 3 of those guys!!! :D I'm pretty sure their the Red Phantom Tetras. FishyMe 10 Gallon Tank 3 Red Phantom Tetras 2 Head and Tail light Tetras 1 common pleko 1 green catfish
  20. F

    I am getting a free tank!!!!

    Hi, I just moved my tank and fish. Best way is to transfer the fish with some of the existing water into a bucket. They last alot longer that way, and they still have some swimming room, put some of the original gravel in the bottom too. As this gives them the bacteria. After I got my move done...
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    I've heard that it does make a difference, due to the bacteria buildup. My Pleco and Cat won't be able to get down deep in the rock bed to keep it cleaned of the harmful bacteria if there's too much gravel. Yet too little gravel, prevents me from hiding the plant bases, and tubing for my...
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    I've heard of the GloFishes too, but I'm a little wary on going with ANY genetically engineered fish. I don't agree with playing god with genetics, and I don't want to add any money into the pockets of those who do that. My tank is natural, and natural fish is what I want to express IMO...
  23. F


    No I don't have a UGF, I'm wondering about switching to one though. My other post addresses that... :blink: I have about a half inch of gravel in my tank, and I can't cover up any of my tubing or plant bases... :-( So I'll add 1 more small bag of gravel, and see how that works. Just a straight...
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    Ok, I'll add one more bag, I was hoping I could, time to get more colorful!!! :fun: FishyMe 10 Gallon Tank 3 Red Phantom Tetras 2 Head and Tail light Tetras 1 common pleko 1 green catfish
  25. F

    Under gravel filters?

    I have heard both good and bad things about undergravel filters, that they clean all the beneficial bacteria from under the gravel, but also that their quite good and some people swear by them. I have a standard filter, it does a great job, but I've been eyeing up the under gravel filters for a...
  26. F


    Hi all, I have a 10 gallon tank, and was just wondering how much gravel shoul I put in? There's about 5 lbs in there already, but it's not even enough to cover my plant bases? Should I add 5 lbs more or 10? FishyMe 10 Gallon Tank 3 Red Phantom Tetras 2 Head and tail light tetras 1 common...
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    Pleco feeding time

    What can I feed my Pleco besides the sinking pellets? I've heard cucumber, cabbage, cushed peas? FishyMe
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    pleco killer

    From what I've heard plecos get along well with every other type of fish.... Except other plecos. Very territorial against other plecos. What I did was a Pleco and a Catfish, and I gotta tell ya my cat is the nuttiest fish I've seen... He does loop de loops and I can even pet him.... :D...
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    He's a Common Pleco... How long do you think it will take for him to get "HUGE". :huh: I'm planning on getting the larger tank in about 2 or 3 months.
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    Hi all, Just a question for you all, How big does a pleco get, and how fast do they grow? The "little" pleco I bougth 2 weeks ago has exploded 2.5 times his size!!! :crazy: In just 2 weeks!!! I am planning on going to a 55 Gallon soon, but I would like to know approximatley how long I have...
  31. F

    Algae question

    Hi, just to let you all know this is the best resource I have found on the net!!! Great job. Now down to the dirty... I have inherited an aquarium from friends, there were 2 newts and a zebra danno in there originally. I have found the newts a new home and filled the tank. (I didn't want to...
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    Newbie Algae issue

    Hi, just to let you all know this is the best resource I have found on the net!!! Great job. Now down to the dirty... I have inherited an aquarium from friends, there were 2 newts and a zebra danno in there originally. I have found the newts a new home and filled the tank. (I didn't want to...