

New Member
Nov 12, 2003
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Hi all,

I have a 10 gallon tank, and was just wondering how much gravel shoul I put in? There's about 5 lbs in there already, but it's not even enough to cover my plant bases? Should I add 5 lbs more or 10?


10 Gallon Tank
3 Red Phantom Tetras
2 Head and tail light tetras
1 common pleko
1 green catfish
Ok, I'll add one more bag, I was hoping I could, time to get more colorful!!! :fun:


10 Gallon Tank
3 Red Phantom Tetras
2 Head and Tail light Tetras
1 common pleko
1 green catfish
If you don't have a UGF, you can add as little as you want. I wouldn't add more than 2" tho, imo. I have about 1" in my tanks.
No I don't have a UGF, I'm wondering about switching to one though. My other post addresses that... :blink: I have about a half inch of gravel in my tank, and I can't cover up any of my tubing or plant bases... :-( So I'll add 1 more small bag of gravel, and see how that works. Just a straight purple base is getting rather boring too... :fun:


10 Gallon Tank
3 Red Phantom Tetras
2 Head and Tail light Tetras
1 common pleko
1 green catfish
Add as much gravel as you want... It really makes no difference either way
I've heard that it does make a difference, due to the bacteria buildup. My Pleco and Cat won't be able to get down deep in the rock bed to keep it cleaned of the harmful bacteria if there's too much gravel. Yet too little gravel, prevents me from hiding the plant bases, and tubing for my waterstones. It's always just nice to ask here too, as everyone is very helpful!!! :)


10 Gallon Tank
3 Red Phantom Tetras
2 Head and Tail light Tetras
1 common pleko
1 green catfish
For a planted tank I use about 2" - but it differs according to the landscape - heavily planted areas are deeper and places with no plants are shallower. 1" is sufficient for a non planted tank.

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