Tank ready for new fish


New Member
Nov 12, 2003
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Hi all, well next week my tank will be ready for some new fish!!! :D I'm thinking of some neons, sword tails and mollies, 3 of each in a 10 gallon. Will they do fine together? I'd rather ask here than trust the lfs!!!


10 Gallon

5 minnows
Another selection I was thinking about is:

3 fancy guppies
4 neon tetras
3 Mollies

What do you think about this set-up? Would it work well?


10 Gallon
5 Minnows
My gravel is multi colored, dark blue, green and purple.


10 Gallon
5 Minnows
if you have neons, you ought to have at least 5 of them, because they're schooling fish.

how about 5 neon tetras, 3 fancy guppies and a trio of cories (maybe 2 bronze and an albino :D ). i think thats a tad overstocked, but if you add them a few at a time, you should be ok :)
i think you should go with

1 apple snail
3 neon tetras
3 red eye tetras
and any type of gourami ( like one honey, or duarf )

and get a black background and all their colors will show up great! and mabey some sand.
:nod: sorry, i got carried away.
Hi all, Thanks for all your great responses!!! :) I think I'll go with 5 neons, 3 fancy guppies and a gourami...:) That should be a good mix I think. :D As long as the Gourami doesn't make luch out of the neons... :D


10 Gallon
5 minnows
i don't know, that type of gourami gets big compared to the neons, and i would get a cleening fish like a bristel nose pleco, or a snail of some sort, if you get a gourami get a jewel or honey, or a duarff.
A.K.A Zak said:
i don't know, that type of gourami gets big compared to the neons, and i would get a cleening fish like a bristel nose pleco, or a snail of some sort, if you get a gourami get a jewel or honey, or a duarff.
lol nvm, i'm stupid you didn't even say what type of gourami. :lol:

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