Betta and Cichlids?


New Member
Nov 12, 2003
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Hi, I was just wondering if I can put a betta in with cichlids? Or will the Cichlids kill the betta? I'm starting a new tank, and don't want to go with Tetras again, but would like a nice mix of fish. Any advise? The minnows are going back either this week or next, they were just bought to help the tank cycle.


10 Gallon

4 rosy red minnows
1 fat head minnow
For the most part it would be a bad idea, but there are some new world river species that would work. Cichlids cover an extremely wide group of fish of extemely different sizes, temperments, and habits. Some non-aggressive species such as Keyholes would probably work out.

It also depends on the size of the new tank.
Thank you for your response, I'm going to still be using the 10 Gallon tank I have. I would like to have a few Cichlids, but I'm not sure what would go well with them, because of their aggresive nature? Mollies? Or would they become breakfast? :unsure: I'd rather ask here, than the lfs, their knowledgable, but they still only want to sell fish.


10 Gallon

5 minnows
Dont do it. maybee a ram or two would be ok with a beta but most will tear it apart : (
My opinion is that bettas don't particularly enjoy very many tankmates. They're loners in the fishy world. I realise lots of people will keep a betta with some cories or a small school of tetras or something, but trying to put a betta in a 10 gallon tank with other spotlight fish is not likely to be a good idea. Even if you could find cichlids who are peaceful enough to be with a betta, it doesn't mean the betta is peaceful enough to be with them. Of course, bettas are so individual that if you really have your heart set on trying it, there's a chance you might find a betta who would like the arrangement. Good luck with whatever you decide.
I have four bettas, and I think maybe one of them would be o.k. in my community tank. If you're lucky enough, you might be able to find a lfs that keeps bettas in with other fish (one of mine do). If so, you could try one of them in there. But I don't know if cichlids would be the best choice in a tankmate. You might have to pick one or the other.
The answer is yes and no. Yes, there are some cichlids that would work with a Betta, but none that would work in a 10 gallon tank. There are many cichlids that would work in that size tank, but it does not allow for very many, if any, companions, and those would have to be small and peaceful.

If you get a pair of apistogramma then you can also keep some community fish in the tank, they tend to mostly be aggressive toward each other and leave tankmates alone. If you decorate the tank appropriately then there is a chance that a Betta would even work with them, but I'm not making any guarantees.

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