I just lost all my Tetras


New Member
Nov 12, 2003
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Argh, I just lost ALL my tetras to Ich.... :wub: I moved, and the only fish that survived are my cat and pleco.... Should I treat my tank water for Ich before I add any more fish?

Sad Fishyme

10 Gallon
1 Green Catfish
1 Common Pleco
Ok well I just found my pleco and catfish in the tank.... :( How do I sterilize my tank and equipment before I add new fish to it? I'm totally changing the rock anyways, so that's not an issue. I just need some advice on how to clean the tank, ornaments and equipment. I've research alot, and found that adding 1 teasoop of non-iodized salt per 5 gallons will help in the future. Any thoughts on this?


10 Gallon Tank
Very lonely in there
Ich is generally present in all tanks - it is reduced immune response that triggers an uncontrolled outbreak. If treated - it is rarely fatal - are you sure your fish died from Ich? How long has your tank been set up - is it properly cycled?

As for salt - some fish cannot tolerate salt - if your "Green catfish" is a cory/brochis - then salt can kill them.
You say you just moved so definitely check that your tank has matured enough for the fish to be added again-do an ammonia and nitrite test. You sound as if you want to strip the tank and clean all of the equipment, which in theory is not a bad idea as long as you have another home for the current fish while it matures again. Salt in that concentration can help ich in some cicumstances, but as already mentioned, it may kill some more sensitive species, they almost certainly will not appreciate it. A whitespot treatment should be available at your lfs and is more likely to agree with everything in your tank. Be patient though as they usually kill off the 'free-living' stages of the parasite rather than the white spots themselves. These will die after about a week and drop off your fish. :blink:
My tank was just recently moved last week, and I had about 2 gallons of the original water I moved the fish in, and the rest was new water, I added the water conditioner right away. I'm pretty sure it was ich, cause the fish looked like they had bubbles all over them. But when I took the Plecko and the Catfish out they were covered in a white sorta slime, looked like it encased the entire pleco. So I'm not too sure. there is what looks like cotton fluffs on the bottom of the tank, I gather it fell off the pleco and catfish. But I don't know if I should sterilize the tank and everything in it before I get more fish.


10 Gallon Tank

Very lonely
The bacteria that clean your water do not live in the water, in the gravel, in the filter, on the sides of the tank - whatever. A couple of gallons of old water will ot cycle a tank.

>>> fish looked like they had bubbles

Classic symptom of to freshly drawn water in the tank - gases coming out of solution - regardless of any conditioner added - that alone was probably enough to kill them.

The Ich was probably caused by the stress of the move - but I still don't think that is what killed them - not with so many other possibilities.

>>> should sterilize the tank and everything in it before I get more fish.

You need to cycle your tank and get your bacteria back before you get any more fish. There is an article on cycling - how to - and why - here.
To start, if the tetras were Neon Tetras they are a very difficult fish species to keep. I know, I just lost 3 of them due to stress. The tetra group in my opinion is high-care species to maintain. They do not handle stress well, and they seem to 'enjoy' getting sick a lot.

The tank needs to be soaked boiling water. I found this helps eliminate harmful bacteria that is present in the tank. I do this after I have fish problems and lose them. They you need to replant (don't do this if you have live plants. They need the minerals and bacteria in the rocks and boiling it may kill this) and re-set up your aquarium and allow it to cycle up to 2 weeks or longer depending. Read up on cycling in the websites that others on this thread have given you. I know my methods are not what others may do, but it works for me. :D
I don't think I will do a tetra tank next time, I'm wondering how swortails are for hardiness? And if they can be with Chiclids? I'll keep my tank going, add some ich medication for a week, cause I dont' want to lose the environment I already have started to build, and than add some more fish. I want to change my gravel anyways, so this might be the time to do it ya think?


10 Gallon

Very Lonely
Sorry to hear about your loss of Tetras, i was wondering if you treated for ick before you lost them? IF so, then it may have been the ick treatment that killed them, for tetras, you have to half dose the meds in thier tanks. Or so i have been told, i could be wrong, but still have them all. I have black skirts, as well as head and tail lights, and they are both pretty hearty fish in my experience, i also have swordtails, and to tell you the truth, cannot stand them. My swordtails and guppies, seem to get everything that a fish could get, if i miss a cleaning, it seems like 1 of them come down with something. :crazy: Good luck and let us know what you get.
Hi all well good news, I changed my gravel out, medicated the water with some Maracide, and added 5 minnows. Gives the kids something to look at, and lets me know if the problem is gone. Plus the LFS wouldn't warranty any fish I put back in the tank, even though I'm medicating it... But anyways, Next week I'm going to take the minnows back if all goes well and get some new Molly's!!!! :D I'm excited!!!! :)


10 Gallon
5 Minnows

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