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  1. Jaded12

    The Babies Are Here!

    Here are Ozzies babies! They hatched last night. There are sooooo many! I love babies! Haha
  2. Jaded12

    Ive Got Another New Tank..

    That will be a fantastic tank for some very lucky little bettas! I can't wait to see how it turns out!
  3. Jaded12

    Set Up A New Spawn Today!

    They spawned on Saturday, the babies started hatching yesterday evening :) Heres a video of them spawning
  4. Jaded12

    Ct Update. 5 Weeks!

    Theyre so cute! Congrats! What are you feeding them?
  5. Jaded12

    New Forum Leader

    Congrats! Whats a forum leader? Like a moderator?
  6. Jaded12

    Female Bettas

    They do best in groups of 4+ to help spread out aggression. And should really be kept in even numbers so you dont get that odd one out, that gets singled out and attacked by the rest. Some are and some aren't. It all depends on the individual personality of the fish, but its always best to...
  7. Jaded12


    5 or 6 girls would be perfectly fine in a 10gallon. Remember they need lots of hiding places to keep aggression to a minimum!
  8. Jaded12

    Okay, Totally Random Query Here....

    Interesting comparison, I can see where you're coming from :) and why would you get kicked off for saying that?
  9. Jaded12

    Avalanche Is Here!

    I know isn't he fantastic? I think the acceptable minimum for an adult betta is 2.5gallons.
  10. Jaded12

    Meet Alice!

    She's gorgeous! What a little doll. great find!
  11. Jaded12

    I Couldn't Resist...

    They're lovely! I especially like the little copper girl!
  12. Jaded12

    Would This Be Cruel?

    Like everyone said a few minutes a day is fine but too long can stress :)
  13. Jaded12

    Rip Draco

    Awww im so sorry! It hurts when you lose one that you're attached to! *hugz*
  14. Jaded12

    Help! My Poor Fish!

    What temp is the water? as you said its unheated, remember bettas need a water temp of at least 76 degrees F. Sounds either like a bad case of swim bladder due to severe constipation and bloating, or as ReMz sadi, an internal bacterial infection. Id go ahead and give him a heater, and start a...
  15. Jaded12

    Help Me With This Poor Sick Betta

    Actually despite what many people are told clove oil does not kill a fish! It merely knocking him out cold, if you clove oil a fish then dispose of it you are disposing of a living sleeping fish. The best method ive found is to use clove oil first to knock the betta out then add vodka which will...
  16. Jaded12

    Help! My Betta Is Going Crazy!

    She's just happy and enjoying all of that extra room! I'm sure shes very thankful for the larger tank!
  17. Jaded12

    Betta Advice Please

    1. Would I get at least some CT fry if I bred them? I'm trying to establish a line. I'm not worried if some or most are VT, there is enough demand for bettas full stop that I would be able to find them all good homes. Breeding a CT to a combtail will usually result in 25% Cts, 25% combtails...
  18. Jaded12

    Guess Who's Been A Busy Boy......

    Awww what a nest! What a good job he did :)
  19. Jaded12

    Betta Tank

    you could put some otto cats in there, they get along well with bettas, as do cory catfish . but species are very high energy and adorable
  20. Jaded12

    Help Me With This Poor Sick Betta

    Wow hes had that since january? its a wonder it hasn't killed him already... hmmm maybe you could try treating, a combination of maracyn 1 & 2 seems to work quite well on colmunaris. How is he acting? swimming ok? eating ok? does he seem to be in pain?