Help! My Betta Is Going Crazy!


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2008
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So I just switched my female betta from her medium-sized bowl to a 3.0 gallon tank...and she has been swimming all over the place for a couple of hours now! She is going bonkers! She seems to be primarily swimming along the sides; I think she sees her reflection...will she calm down?
The going bonkers is a good thing! If she was sulking and hiding, you would have more reason (but still not really) to worry. I'm sure she appreciates all of the room.
The going bonkers is a good thing! If she was sulking and hiding, you would have more reason (but still not really) to worry. I'm sure she appreciates all of the room.

Okay 'cause I was really starting to worry...I mean she sometimes digs/dives into the rocks like she's trying to get to China or something :blink:
haha. they will be goofy like that. every betta seems to have his or her own quirks.

my guy that I have had for about a year has just taken to digging after i recently moved him into a 10 gallon tank. The betta wiggle (probably what you are describing) is pretty common when they are happy and more often when they are begging.
haha. they will be goofy like that. every betta seems to have his or her own quirks.

my guy that I have had for about a year has just taken to digging after i recently moved him into a 10 gallon tank. The betta wiggle (probably what you are describing) is pretty common when they are happy and more often when they are begging.

Oh well the happy part is good, but I am not so sure about the begging? Especially when I'm on the other side of the room? What would she be begging for?
Begging food wise I imagine my dude used to come to the front of the tank whenever I neared incase I might feed him. But to be honest I have seen many of my bettas react in just the way you are describing after being in a bigger tank (after the store) They are just exploring their boundaries and checking for other fish etc she will calm down what your describing is just how bettas respond to a new habitat. She might be a little stressed at first but its just like people moving house! she'll be fine!
dusky has a single female in a tank that patrols the edges only, looks very strange, but it does explain why when the little girl is able to see dusky's 1 month old fry in the tank next to her :lol:
just to be on the safe side, what are the water parameters? She could possible be burning from incorrect water
just to be on the safe side, what are the water parameters? She could possible be burning from incorrect water

What exactly do you mean by parameters? I filled up her tank yesterday with water from the sink, then added about 3 ML of conditioner and then some conditioning salt.
You need a liquid test kit - API Master Freshwater kit is the best. Do you know about cycling? If not, pop over to the 'New to the hobby' section, and take a look at the pinned topic, it will tell you all you need to know. Shout here if you want any specific advice.
a test kit if a must in fish keeping. And the test could be a bit expensive (20$) example, if the pH is too low, the betta could be freaking out because hes burning.

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