Help! My Poor Fish!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2007
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Yesterday I noticed he was skirting when I went to feed him, he was swimming but going to his side. I checked the ph in his tank and it was around 7 which it has always been even when he was healthier. I gave him a crushed pea, and he survived the night but still he swims a little and then lays on his side. For now, I put him in a bowl where he can get to the top easier ? I also changed the water in the tank but don't know if I should put him in right now? What should I do, should I put him back into the tank with a total fresh water change or should I add some of the old water? Help!
well the bowl probably isnt filtered or heated so its best to keep him in his environment - if you want to help him reach the surface lower the water level in the tank
Does he have trouble swimming straight, is he kind of floating onto his side when he tries to swim and having trouble staying upright? Is he eating? Does he have any odd marks, fuzz, white blotches, anything out of the ordinary? 100% water changes can stress bettas so to do one when hes not feeling well can do more damage then good.
Does he have trouble swimming straight, is he kind of floating onto his side when he tries to swim and having trouble staying upright? Is he eating? Does he have any odd marks, fuzz, white blotches, anything out of the ordinary? 100% water changes can stress bettas so to do one when hes not feeling well can do more damage then good.

Yes, he was better during the day but since last night he was laying on his side and dashing about occassionally but when he swims he looks like he is tipping to the side.. Today I found him standing on his head. Because his color has white in it, it is hard to see anything more unusual? I just noticed some swelling on his tummy under the side of his gills? I only fed him with a pinch of pea tonight and I think he ate it.
What could be wrong with him? He was so active before yesterday..what could have happened? I just looked and he is upside down head first cradled in the plastic foliage at the bottom of the tank.. he is moving but it is unclear if he is burrowing into the green or trying to swim up? Could he have swim bladder? He doesn't look like he is going to make the night?

I lost a betta with similar symptoms about a month ago? It's strange because they were in different tanks so I suspect the water but it tested at 7 so I am confused. The only thing different instead of gravel I put in some polished river stones but I did this after my other fish died because I was thinking he may have swallowed some gravel, so I didn't want it to happen to the other, so the stones can't be it? Mind you when I think of it, there was a couple of stones in my other fish tank as well?
P.s.. before when I changed the water I added a bit of his old water into the tank when I changed it? Now I'm thinking what if I put back water that was possibly making him sick?
^^ right, unless the water quality is really bad.

In addition to the other questions, does he appear bloated?

edit: posted that bit before i saw your response. he could have an internal bacteria infection. right now, keep the water clean. How big is the tank. Filtered, heated? How often do you change water?
^^ right, unless the water quality is really bad.

In addition to the other questions, does he appear bloated?

edit: posted that bit before i saw your response. he could have an internal bacteria infection. right now, keep the water clean. How big is the tank. Filtered, heated? How often do you change water?

Yes, he does look bloated. Oh no, I added some of his old water when I changed it before, now to do a total fresh water change again will certainly stress him even more. The tank is 3 gallons or maybe 4. It is unheated and unfiltered.
What temp is the water? as you said its unheated, remember bettas need a water temp of at least 76 degrees F. Sounds either like a bad case of swim bladder due to severe constipation and bloating, or as ReMz sadi, an internal bacterial infection. Id go ahead and give him a heater, and start a round of tetracycline which ive found works best for bacterial infections.
sounds like a bacterial infection from something. Sounds like its spreading fast and may kill him soon (very soon) dont use Melafix on him. If hes tipping then it could be bloat, constipation, or swim bladder disoder, but ive had a betta suffering from ammonia in the tank and was very lathrgic and rested at the bottom of the tank swaying on his side, i did a water change and he was much better
You say you tested the PH, but that isn't nearly as important as testing the levels of Ammonia, NitrIte and NitrAte.
ANY levels of Ammonia and NitrIte are very toxic to fish, so you should get yourself a liquid test kit for those. Most master test kits do Ammonia NitrIte NitrAte and Ph in one box. Well worth the money.

Detectable levels of ammonia or nitrIte , and high levels of nitrAte, indicate high waste levels and thus poor water quality, which may well be the cause of your fishes' illness.

As the others have said , he needs a heater. Bettas are tropical fish, and even if your house is warm, the temp will still fluctuate. A heater will keep the temperature constant.

You should have no problem with adding a filter to keep the water cleaner. You can make one that is gentle and produces no current, just a few bubbles so it won't disturb him, and keep his water stats more stable. HERE is the link to the instructions. Page 5 had a good diagram if the pics are confusing. Remember, the bigger the container you use for the filter, the more media you can put in it for the bacteria.
What is melafix? Where do I buy the tetracycline? He is still alive but at the bottom. Should I change the water and put him in a bowl until he stabalizes? I could put a heating pad around it so he will have it nice and warm>
I bought a fungus eliminator that treats both fungus and bacteria. He is now on top sitting in one place. I don't know. Next I will have to buy something to check the nitrates, ammonia etc...I will do another ph test for now. .
PH does not matter right now. dont even let PH concern you.

a fungus eliminator will not do what you want. you need an internal bacterial med. Tetracycline works, or Maracyn 1 and 2 together. Both are antibiotics that will wipe out external and internal problems (i tend to like Maracyn 1 and 2, it is very broad spectrum). Fish stores should carry it, but not always. Petsmarts and Petcos are your best bet if you are in the U.S.

keep the water clean. raising the temp is probably the best thing you could do at this point. heated water raises the bettas immune system (say around 80-82 degrees for treatment). you need a thermometer to monitor the temp.

Just an FYI, internal bacteria infections are most often caused by poor water quality (not enough water changes). This is not always the case, but changing the water on a regular basis is your best preventative.
I went to see him this morning expectng to find him still sick or worse yet, gone, and here he is swimming up and down, no more resting, tilting or struggling. TG, he's appears to have come come back.
The medicine I gave him treats fungus, bacteria, swim bladder, fish bloat, fin and mouth rot, red streaks and more...

Thanks for all your help, it was because of all your advice that I was able to save him.

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