Search results

  1. R

    got my aquarium!

    get the deltec mce 400 or 500 hangon style these kick SH|T out the prism cheers ritchie
  2. R

    Aquarium heaters

    u can now buy stailess steel heaters cant break them they retail about 40 quid and there 500watt bargain in my opinian :D :D the reason i say that is because say u break a heater every 6 months at 20 quid a heater u can break this so its just a long term investment also try...
  3. R

    Superglue or aquarium silicone?

    super glue will be ok adhesive etc wont i use super glue in my reef tank (marines) and there more delicate that tropical cheers ritchie
  4. R


    lol what u mean complicated u mean ive explained every thing that needed to be lol cheers ritchie merry christmas guys :lol: :S :S
  5. R


    :o so that closed the topic i take it cheers ritchie
  6. R


    try raising this on or see what input u get there are like ste2k3 said monitored some corals got banned a couple of months ago cos the natrual stock was getting to a certain level they will now leave them to for a bit till the levels get high and then...
  7. R

    How much did you spend on you marine setup?

    :fun: also you need to work out whgat fish you want and what corals certain fish will eat corals and be bast**ds with each other such as damsels most butterfly fish will feed on corals etc also u need to work out what filteration u want to have a sump tank is some were were u have a dsb...
  8. R

    Hey there isn't any moderaters for this forum....

    they is moderators on this forum but they r not realy advertised as mmoderators like other forums do cheers ritchie
  9. R

    Marine Tank size

    well i mean in a different manner of speech m8 re it will be easyer to keep temperature more stable as a 10 gallon tank can get to room temperatur in less than a hour i 100 gallon tank wont in other words the tank wont fluctate as quick cheers ritchie
  10. R

    Guppys in salt water?

    euphillia pssibly would and elephants ear corals would but cant realy think of any others cheers ritchie
  11. R

    Selecting Live Rock.

    make sure its been in water if not it wont be live give it a realy good sniff if it smells like eggs then dont buy it if it smells nice and fresh just like the smell u get when u walk on the beach then get it dont get it if it has majano anemones on they r ba$tards to get rid off...
  12. R

    Guppys in salt water?

    erm guppys dont think they can stand the salt level we use but mollys can guppys can only livce in a cetain level i think its about 1.017 maximum they would live in cheers ritchie
  13. R

    Coral Setup

    4x2x2 350 quid r u sure the lfs as not got the price wrong id look at paying 150 brandnew i can get a 6x2x2 for under 200 quid brand new what is it ur wanting to no about the new set up cheers ritchie -_-
  14. R

    Yellow Headed Jawfish

    sand needs to be a good 6 " for jawfish or it will just die cheers ritchie :D
  15. R

    just started a 5gallon saltwater tank.

    ur feckin crazy :crazy: ur doing a test on clown fish :angry: ur as bad as the tetra ppl :sly: ok so for instance what lighting do you have over this 5 gallon non imo because you cant fit non over 1 :unsure: theres 2 many clown fish and anemones killed because of prats like u :( people...
  16. R

    just started a 5gallon saltwater tank.

    yea get rid of anemone :crazy: get a 3x12x18 tank and start again m8 :hyper: you are gonna kill these things dont let the tetra advert tell u listen to reefkeepers :angry: that advert was completly bolock5 :sly: cheers ritchie ps tetra sucks
  17. R

    anyone succesfully breed goldfish!!!

    i get goldfish breeding every year i have 2 brreds a year about 5000 babys a breed and get about 500 out of them cheers ritchie
  18. R

    does anyone konw how to make a trap to catch srimp

    imo if you cant afford to feed a sea horse then dont keep 1 as to the canned veggies dont go there theres to much SHlT in it to be putting in a tank with sea horses in you want to buy proper food from the lfs live brine shrimp for the sea horse and krill or cockles for the...
  19. R

    can i put eels in the tank?

    a eel in a 30 gallon tank is no good m8 it would kill it been in there and especially if u devided the tank if your thinking of having a eel think about getting a 100 gallon tank cheers reef
  20. R


    how many bulbs u got over if its 100 gallon i would imagine you have 2 x 250 watts over at what depth 2 ft imo i would have them on the highest part of the tank cheap frags some lfs will sell frags 10 quid but reefers will sell them at that price and you no you will be getting good frags...
  21. R


    sps corals like very mature stable water all the flow in ur tank seems good imo i would leave the tank for another 4 months then buy a cheap 10 quid frag and try it if it dies you havent lost like 60 quid for a colony and you also no theres something wrong somwere how deeps your tank...
  22. R

    Emperor Angels

    3 to 6 inches and then put it in that size tank your joking m8 you would be able 2 get a juvenile in about 2" for about a year if that then you will be wanting a 6x2x2 tank for when it grows imo forget about it it will out grow you tank to quick and get stressed and die cheers ritchie
  23. R

    Help choosing a skimmer

    you would be lucky to get a external 1 at that price new i reckon you will be wanting a deltec ap600 or deltec apf 600 Deltec AP600 = £217.20 + AP600 installation kit = £69.65 Deltec APF600 = £236.21 + APF600 Installation Kit = £69.65 the apf600 is the best to get out them 2 those...
  24. R

    Marine Tank size

    also bigger the tank easier to keep
  25. R

    Queen Angelfish

    at a minmum a 6x2x2 :P queen angles can get up to 18" long but i very much dout it will get to that size in captivity cheers ritchie
  26. R

    mandarin gobys

    i ecco the above your tank does need to be well esablished at least over 1 year old it feeds on pods if you could have got 1 that feeds on frozen aswell they are a lot hardier fish as they wont always rely on ur pod family if you look on ur glass at night do you have like any tiny fleas on it...
  27. R

    How Can You Tell?

    no any live rock can have coraline algae on it what you need to do is give it a good snif when you take it out if it smells like rotten eggs its not cured if it smells like the sea its cured cheers ritchie
  28. R

    how much can i put?

    what are you wanting to keep in the 30 gallon tank i would say no more than this 2 clowns 1 sand sifting goby 1 dwarth angel thats about ur lot inverts dont realy put a bio load on your tank so you could put summthing like this 1 cleaner shrimp 2 peppermint shrimps 5 dwarth hermits 5...
  29. R

    Clown Fish going Brown!

    hi m8 top half of my clowns r brownish darker round the dorsal fin area if saw dont worry about it its the usual stage of growing up and colouring to there natural colours by any cance are you feeding ocean nutriton formual 1 flake or pellet :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :lol: :lol...
  30. R

    do i need a refugium

    eddie i dont think ste2k is in the states :cool: :hyper:
  31. R

    please help

    dont stir the snad bed m8 u r upsetting the bacteria all the time your bristle worms will take of uneaten food and your stars cheers ritchie :nod:
  32. R

    please help

    first of get a test done from your local fish shop then yo can be double sure the first thing that you are gonna see a change in your livestock is the anemones try and see if some 1 can save them for you cos if you dont get the water sorted imeddetly they are gonna die and pollute your tank...
  33. R

    Caves/tunnels for my Blue Rams

    you can use milliput putty type of stuff it will stick to practically anything about 3.50 from ur l model shop its totally safe i use it in my reeftank for sticking corals down cheers ritch
  34. R

    hello there

    think i hoped to update this a bit i also have a 6000 gallon pond on the back garden what measure 28 ft long x 16 ft wide x 6 ft deep currently nousing japanese koi carp going upto sizes of about 30 inches the filter system is 33 ft long x 3 ft wide x 3ft deep it has 6 chambers 1st...
  35. R

    how to koi pond

    here you go brilliant site basically m8 if you can hava a bottom drain etc in and have it gravity feed will be a lot better no more clogged up pumps and no ####ty uv quartz sleaves should be filtering half your pond capacity a hour if you can afford have it fibre glass...
  36. R

    I was windering what cost would be

    well it depends on what set up your having sps softies etc sps will require halides will cost you about 600 pounds for that size tank cos you will need twin 250s or somthink linke that maybe more power skimmer you would be looking at a deltec apf600 there about 250 pounds salt you will be...
  37. R

    Question concerning LR and limestone

    hi its currently 1kg of live rock to 2 gallons u could get away with 10kg of live rock and some reactavated reefbones sells reactavated reefbones its about £115.00 for 20kg and thats been in his home setup for a coupl of months then taken out and sold to u that will have...
  38. R

    whats with the plumbing?

    plumbing is pipe work it leads water down to our sumps saw then we have most of our equipment in there example skimmer heaters dsb's probes earthing probes rowa phos carbon ph meters etc saltinity meters to up systems cheers ritchie
  39. R

    Repairng an old tank

    u can reaseal tanks like the above post just peel off with stanley blade should peel of easy also whe u got it of just give the old areas were the seal was a good wipe with viniger and a kitchen towel after that will take any grease off that wil stop ur new silicone sticking dry out after for...
  40. R

    hello there

    yea inch worm i no wot its all about been on another forum for over 8 months jsut looking round for new 1s etc thanks for the welcome cheers ritchie