Guppys in salt water?


Big fish
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
Anchorage Alaska
I've read that guppies can survive in salt water for a great period of time. Is this true? If so can they breed there to? I think guppy fry might make a great snak food for filter feeders if they can be maintained in salt water.

erm guppys dont think they can stand the salt
level we use but mollys can
guppys can only livce in a cetain level i think its about 1.017 maximum they would live in

cheers ritchie
if you want to keep guppys why get a marine set-up?. the fry would not feed the filter feeders. filter feeders eat microscopic phytoplankton and zooplankton. guppy fry would be far to big for filter feeders. if you want something to feed your filter feeders with, you can grow your own phytoplankton.
Trh fry would feed the anemoneys and some of the corals which while they may eat mostly filter feeder food are not filter feeders. that was a missnomer on my part sry.

oh and the only reason I would keep guppies is because they are cheep and grow fast they don't sell marine feeder fish.

anenomys such as carpets, bubble tips, malu's etc will take pieces of frozen fish (once dethawed). I don't know of any corals that would eat baby guppys.
euphillia pssibly would and elephants ear corals would
but cant realy think of any others

cheers ritchie
sun corals like you say are preditors and will eat large particle size food up to the size of a baby guppy but these need whats known as target feeding with a syringe right next to them once they are open of taking out of the main display into a bowl and feeding there. this is why they don't do well when people just feed the tank and not target feed the actual coral. ;)

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