Clown Fish going Brown!


New Member
Nov 13, 2003
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Has anyone any idea why my clown fish are turning brown. The bottom half of them is the usual bright orange but the top half has gone brown.

Thanks :(
There are myriad possible reasons. We need to know a lot more. What is your setup, how established is it, what are water readings, etc, how old is the fish?

I have 2 new Percula Clowns. Bought both at about 1". They both developed brown spots, one has mostly kicked them with growth, one still has spots and brownish tint to the top of its body. I did a search on reefcentral and found a lot of possibilities. I'm guessing mine were due to some weird growth stage and/or trying to host with something that gave them a reaction (I don't have anemones in my tank). The one with the brown still is smaller, and I am trying to target feed.

But it can also be something more serious requiring treatment. Like I said, we'd need to see a lot more about your setup, as much info as you have.
hi m8 top half of my clowns r brownish darker round the dorsal fin area
if saw dont worry about it
its the usual stage of growing up and colouring to there natural colours
by any cance are you feeding ocean nutriton formual 1 flake or pellet

:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D :D

cheers ritchie
:huh: My daughter just picked up a wild maroon clown it 3" an it orange w/ white stripes, an now it's turning maroon color an some yellowish is showing up in the white stripes, I was told that between 9-12 months there color turns, also the food you feed it helps.

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