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  1. M


    I honestly wouldn't worry so much about live foods. They will breed if they are not trying to fight eachother. I fed mine bloodworms, tropical flakes and some pellets of some kind. They liked that just fine. Give them a cave. Breeding will occur. Also they should colour up in the presence...
  2. M


    Thankyou. IM gonna buy one and throw itinthere see what happens.
  3. M


    they colour up when they eat things that they like alot.
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    10 gallons 1 male betta 6 harlequin rasboras
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    Glowlight Tetra

    Is there a certain size that glowlight tetras reach when their orange stripe will be fully developed? I saw some at the LFS today and they weren't babies however they were not fully grown. Their orange stripes looked weak. Is this just poor quality fish that I should avoid? Or with some TLC...
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    Tankmates For Dwarf Gourami

    Finally one year later I have made the choice to purchase a dwarf gouarami for my 10 gallon tank. I went to every LFS today to see what else was available to put in the 10 gallon tank along with it. I would like to put one cory in there or more if people reccomend more. More important than...
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    20 Gallon Stocking Suggestions

    wouldnt the dwarf gourami prefer to not be in such a filtered tank, with all the filtration there is a decent current. what other tetras would you guys reccomend for the tank, perhaps some black skirts, bleeding hearts, or rummy nose?
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    20 Gallon Stocking Suggestions

    I have one small male krib, six lemons and 3 cardinals in my 20 gallon as it stands, id like to move the krib and add some fish to the tank. I was thinking id add 3 more cardinal tetras but was unsure what else to add. Any suggestions? EDIT: there is an aqua clear 30 filter and an aqua clear...
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    Tankmates For Dwarf Gourami

    so in my ten gallon tank i could have 6 black skirt tetras 3 corries and a dwarf gourami?
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    I got really bad brown algae, i get the glass covered every 7 days, its really annoying, it is growing on my java moss and young java fern and this is my first try at plants so i hope they will be ok. what are my options? i want to consider turning it to a planted tank eventually even if just...
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  12. algae_002.jpg


  13. M

    Something Wrong With My Kribs Head

    BOOOO! so i gotta wait a couple months before transfering a few krib fry from my 10 to my 20 :( OH THE HEART ACHE!!!!!!
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    Something Wrong With My Kribs Head

    so I have to leave the tank fishless for a few months? i cant just do a bunch of water changes...there is currently 3 rummy nose tetras in there and id hate to leave it that empty for a few months....thank for the help though
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    Something Wrong With My Kribs Head

    alright so im gonna have to sacrafice the fish....what should i do to the water before i add more fish?
  16. M

    Something Wrong With My Kribs Head

    no no and no, she just stays perfectly still, twitches to stay in the same spot reccomendations?
  17. M

    Something Wrong With My Kribs Head

    Well it looks like there is somewhat of a dent in the head and its a whitish color in the dent. there is also something on her scales on the other side of her looks like a very small sliver that is dark. I just lost the other krib to columnaris, and if this is a bad disease i am gonna throw...
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    Something Wrong With My Kribs Head

    i just lost my male krib now right after he died my female started hiding now i saw her today and she looks like this and is very unactive any ideas
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  20. M

    My Flowerhorn

    perhaps you should put some ornaments/hiding places/plants in there, those poor fish
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    Aquarium Salt

    how often is it safe to add salt to the aquarium
  22. M

    Bad Columnaris

    yeah i tried that stuff luck, my columnaris is rank the lips started to fall off one of my fish thanks for the suggestion.
  23. M

    Bad Columnaris

    it might not your filter? which antibiotic would you reccomend ive had almost enough money spending on saving these fish, if i just chuck the rummy nose tetra out maybe i can just stop
  24. M

    Bad Columnaris

    so once the disease is gone his face should go back to red, or is it possible he had permanent damage
  25. M

    Bad Columnaris

    well after spending like 50 bucks on drugs for those two fish, krib and rummy nose tetra that are infected wtih columnaris i see absolutly no improvement in the rummy nose tetra, his face just wont go back to being red. i tried maracyn 2, furan 2, maracyn plus, maracyn. and still nothing, this...
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    Java Moss
  27. M

    Pictures From An Lfs Visit

    I second that, nobody in my city has near the selection of african cichlids
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    Krib Mania

    hahaha, i wasnt really serious. just an observation. comical relief perhaps
  29. M

    Krib Mania

    wow, i noticed this forum is extremely flooded with kribensis questions...pretty soon there willhave to be new world cichlids, old world cichilds and then a seperate one for kribs! hahahahaha
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    Aquarium Salt

    I am treating for columnaris/mouth fungus with mardel maracyn plus and maracyn 2
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    Aquarium Salt

    im treating for diesease and im gonna throw some in there eh, how often can u put it in?
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    Aquarium Salt

    can i put it in wtih my kribs?
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    Java Fern Lace Sp.

    hmmmm, well it seems like my best bet would be to put it in the gravel till i get a chance to get a bit of wood or some rocks and tie it down. Thanks for the help guys.
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    Java Fern Lace Sp.

    i have nothing to tie it down with. can i just put it in the gravel?
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    Question For Wilder

    i think i will add some aquarium salt too...good or bad idea? edit: I also wanted to know if you thinki should continue the maracyn 2 treatments with the maracyn plus. I have enough to keep the treatome nt going for a few days but not another five day cycle. I just did a 25 per cent water...
  36. M

    Question For Wilder

    I decided since i went through a treatment of maracyn 2 and it improved the kribs mouth so much and not the rummy nose at all, i would stop that and onto tetracyclene like you suggested. upon arriving at my lfs there was no tetracycline. My eyes went to the maracyn 1. I then noticed in liquid...
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    Java Fern Lace Sp.

    What do I do with this plant i get bonus, i would like to keep it alive. I have gravel in my tank and its 10 gallon with an aqua clear 20. 14 watts light. the sender of my java moss is including it for free.
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    Question For Wilder

    thank you
  39. M

    Question For Wilder

    I put this question up so anyone could respond to me. Since it was a contiunation of my last three page post, adn the only person who responded to my post was wilder, I wanted to make sure she saw this post. Please do not worry. Wilder: I don't have an isolation tank so if i am to treat the...