Something Wrong With My Kribs Head


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
i just lost my male krib now right after he died my female started hiding now i saw her today and she looks like this and is very unactive

any ideas


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It is possible that it is hexamita, the same protozoan that causes hole in the head. It looks like your Krib is also getting slightly distended, a sign of hexamita. Treat with Malachite green or other parasite meds.

It could also be Fish Tuberculosis which is often noted by swelling or pimples on a fishes body where white blood cells are fighting the bacteria and dying, making puss, or pimples. This is virtually untreatable. The only course is euthenasia in this instance.

It is possible cichlid Rhabidovirus, A relative to Rabies which affects the brain and kidneys and causes them to fail, with fluid backup and distention a symptom. Untreatable

THe only thing I see it as being treatable for is a protozoan infestation, if not it is likely an untreatable disease. Try the anti-parasitic meds and if they don't work, you may need to euthanize it. :/
To me its looks like a big bubble on the head can you describe it in detail.
Hole in the head starts off as pitting.
Well it looks like there is somewhat of a dent in the head and its a whitish color in the dent. there is also something on her scales on the other side of her looks like a very small sliver that is dark. I just lost the other krib to columnaris, and if this is a bad disease i am gonna throw her out too, i currently have three rummy nose tetras in the tank who look healthy. If I decide to throw her out. what should i do with the water to make sure its not gonna affect my other fish. I will restock it wtih some of their fry from before.
Can you issolate the fish.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Ever fed any live tubilex worms.
I told you mine. Treat for protozoan. Hexamita can also cause the opposite of holes, but a distension or distortion in the skin. Although much rarer than holes. If it was anything but this, it would probably be fatal. I saw this on another board and they ended up euthanizing the fish.
Wouldn't add anymore fish for a lest a few months.
Quarantine new fish.
If you think it was hole in the head will need this med.

Metronidazole: (FLAGYL) Treatment of hole in the head disease (
hexamita ) salt water ich or bloat. 250 ml per 20 gallons of water, and can be mixed in foods
I wonder if this is the same as my cichlid had (see Malawi Cichlid Tumour back in May - a photo is attached).
The photo shows the lump on the head after a few months, but it started as a sort of 'pimple' under the scales and later burst through. I am not sure how helpful this will be as I never found it exactly what it was - probably a tumour - but you might find it interesting to compare.
so I have to leave the tank fishless for a few months? i cant just do a bunch of water changes...there is currently 3 rummy nose tetras in there and id hate to leave it that empty for a few months....thank for the help though

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