
They will eat anything. They dont like to come to the top to eat though, as they are skittish. They shouldnt need live food, are they wild?
Flake with high protien ( OMega One ect.) can do the same. Protien is used to make the eggs. So, high protien helps them speed up the whole making eggs deal. I mean, if you dont want to spend all the money on freeze dreid and frozen, then you can just go with flake.
cool, although theres one drawback, u sort of get shrimp husks on the bottom
noones interested once the soft stuff in the middles been eaten

are there any live foods that can enhance thier colour or make them happy
I honestly wouldn't worry so much about live foods. They will breed if they are not trying to fight eachother. I fed mine bloodworms, tropical flakes and some pellets of some kind. They liked that just fine. Give them a cave. Breeding will occur. Also they should colour up in the presence of one another.
the female is really pretty, but my male has quite a drab body, nice finnage though

i couldnt find a better male anywhere local though :(

they always look better in the books lol

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