Bad Columnaris


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
well after spending like 50 bucks on drugs for those two fish, krib and rummy nose tetra that are infected wtih columnaris i see absolutly no improvement in the rummy nose tetra, his face just wont go back to being red. i tried maracyn 2, furan 2, maracyn plus, maracyn. and still nothing, this is getting a bit heavy on my pocket here :(
Sounds like you have a really bad strain of columnaris.
I would get tertacycline by mardel.
Can't say to be honest as a nasty strain can kill them.
If them meds havent worked, I would get an antibiotic, it might not your filter though the tetracycline.
If them meds havent worked, I would get an antibiotic, it might not your filter though the tetracycline.
it might not your filter? which antibiotic would you reccomend
ive had almost enough money spending on saving these fish, if i just chuck the rummy nose tetra out maybe i can just stop
I used to have columnaris on my Kuhli Loaches, and all I did was put in a bit of salt, lower the temperature, make the water more acidic, and sit back. The loaches healed within about 4 days, all are healthy still today, and my cories were unaffected. All without buying antibiotics...

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