Krib Mania


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2006
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Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
wow, i noticed this forum is extremely flooded with kribensis questions...pretty soon there willhave to be new world cichlids, old world cichilds and then a seperate one for kribs! hahahahaha
i swear, this happens every year around this time. spring hits and suddenly everybody either wants or just got some kribs. :dunno: it doesn't seem like they should be a "seasonal" fish, but there you have it.
we should get one just for kribs

Or more so one for rift lake species so anyone searching for malawi etc dont have to roam through hundreds of Kribensis posts, as most of them repeat the same old questions.

Malawi etc and maybies a seperate one for other African fishes.
Kribs are readily available and are less complex to keep than most African cichlids, which makes them very popular. We get plenty of Krib posts on here but not enough IMO to warrant a seperate section.
Maybe if people could read the cunningly entitled "SEARCH" button they wouldnt start the same threads over and over and over again ;)
my bad... :crazy:
i think they should have little sub things like they have for livebearers. they have ones for common ones like gupps and mollies then another one for things like endlers and halfbeaks. sept it should go rift lakes, tangika, ect. i such at speeling those lakes tho
we should get one just for kribs

Or more so one for rift lake species so anyone searching for malawi etc dont have to roam through hundreds of Kribensis posts, as most of them repeat the same old questions.

Malawi etc and maybies a seperate one for other African fishes.

You just made my Xbox gaming so much better! I know m0nkeymafia! LoL

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